Monday, October 8, 2012

Homeless Hatred - Nur Pon Henderson Open Space Day

What are we teaching the youth of today when during the worst economic recession since the Great Depression  we allow them to destroy known homeless camp survival areas during the Nur Pon Henderson Open Space clean up day?

Kim Niemer,  Redding's community services director and Randy Smith yearly lead the charge of destroying and unapologetically clearing vegetation and life sustaining homeless camps in the 30 acres of Henderson Open Space without offering a compassionate alternative to the multitudes of homeless they displace.

"Social studies and science teachers at local high schools have also offered extra credit to students who participate in the cleanup", said Niemer.

.Maybe Redding and Shasta County educators can teach students the harsh reality that the Nur Pon Henderson Open Space Annual Community Creek Cleanup heartlessly drive away the homeless, destroy important vegetative cover for riparian wildlife, and contributes to global warming?

Several Redding youth come to the sobering revelation that they are destroying homeless living areas and lives during the Nur Pon Henderson Open Space Day

Groups and organizations participating included City of Redding / R.E.U. California Conservation Corps, Rotary Club of Redding, Commercial Landscaping Services, the McConnell Foundation,and  Redding Police and Bethel Church.  Many people believe the policies and procedures of Redding Electric Utility / R.E.U is a major cause of homelessness in our area, so it was particularly morbid to see them and their equipment taking such an active role in the destruction of homeless camp survival areas in our community.

It was also shocking to see Redding California Bethel Christian Church joining forces with others to help destroy homeless camp areas in the Nur Pon Henderson Open Space where homeless find basic survival and refuge.

What can only be described as a process of clear-cut logging on the banks of the Beautyful Sacramento River within the Redding California City limits that is nothing less than devastating. One City of Redding official explained that the logs will be milled, and the boards used to build a future foot bridge in the Nur Pon Henderson Open Space Area, destroying picture postcard perfect scenic wildlife areas used by fishermen and homeless viewable from the Cypress Street bridge. It was explained that later City of Redding employee Randy Smith will apply poison herbicides to the Nur Pon Henderson Open Space area destroying and unapologetically clearing the vegetation and life sustaining homeless camp areas completing this Maccabe transformation

It was overheard in past conversations present with the Nur Pon Henderson Neighborhood Open Space Group how wonderful it will be to see all the homeless and vegetation removed so folks from the group who live on Henderson Road can see all the way to the river, and Dugan Barr's beautyful home on the other side. (All under the guise of removing invasive plants and trees of course.)

Emails have also been viewed from the Nur Pon Henderson Open Space Neighborhood requesting male members to be vigilantes to search and seek out homeless hiding and keeping warm by fires to turn into Redding Police Dept.

Homeless hatred and persecution at its finest.

What happens to the Homeless Men, Women, Children ,Veterans and Senior Citizens you displace ?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why You Should NEVER Support Regulating the Public Feeding of Homeless People

A spirit is circulating around the leaders and charities which serve the homeless and those who attempt to defend their constitutional and civil rights. They claim our giving is hurting and not helping the homeless, and instead of giving food to the homeless it would be better to give the money used to purchase that food to established charities and homeless shelters where that money could be put to "better use"....or simply dont feed the homeless at all.

Of course you will find no such spirit or directions in the Bible, the Christian community called the Church is to help as Jesus says  "the least of these My brethren", "for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;  I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me."

You are the Church...

Christians must interact with their fellow humans and have fellowship with the poor and homeless, and those given the grace to see realize that giving a sandwich or an article of much needed clothing is an opportunity to minister to those hurting and lost on a much deeper spiritual level.

You see  GOD LOVES TO USE HIS PEOPLE !, and through the Holy Spirit and your faith, love, and interaction, the Lord can plant the seeds to spiritually feed and cloth those in need, and through the believer pour forth the "Living Waters" to those who so desperately thirst.

Not only that "God has chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him."

You may receive a powerful and suprising  blessing from those whom you are serving!

You see in giving what you have freely received and administering compassion we are spiritually fed and clothed and given spiritual"water"to drink, healed from our spiritual sicknesses, and broken free of the bars which hold us in prison.

" For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Those that wish to regulate the feeding and care of the homeless and leave it to the "pros" do not have those eyes to see, or for that matter ears to hear what God through Jesus Chris and the Holy Spirit has said to his body of believers called "The Church"

And reconsider giving cash donations to those charities, especially those which suggest government regulations and permits in order to feed the homeless, and those that have no method of community transparency and accountability.

Regulations and permits are the first steps cities and municipalities use to criminalize and repress  the poor and homeless.

And make un announced visits to those you do give to and see what is going on with your charitable dollar donations.

Dont let the spiritual thieves steal from you, calling your compassionate love offerings an act of "feel good" giving , "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.   For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

You see God does not call the qualified or pros, but qualifies those He calls to administer to those in need
God is holding his ministries more accountable than ever before, and salaries and pay checks are at stake.

A spirit is circulating... its not from God

Dont let anyone quench the Spirit of Love and Charity which dwells in you.

 Love your neighbor, let no law or regulation be formed against this and remember...

"When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return, and repayment come to you. But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you."

Let no one criminalize and regulate the practicing  of your faith and and religion...

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

And the spirit of the world wants you to stop...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Redding Homeless Outreach - Echoes of Calvary

Pastor Rod & Kay Kincaid

Echoes of Calvary

The Bible says faith without works is dead, so it is my pleasure to tell you of this Church who's faith is very much alive. On friday evenings  Echoes of Calvary invites their homeless friends to a picnic to spiritually and physically feed the poor and homeless of Redding and Shasta County California as well as give necessities away.

Men, Women, Families and Children are treated every friday in the park to a musical prayer and praise service followed by preaching from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and then a delicious dinner is served.

"We believe that the "Church" has a much greater design and predestined purpose than just waiting for the 2nd coming, and that there is a fullness that God desires to reveal to hungry hearts and empty vessels."

Austen Phillips(Park Ministry)

Word is out about this powerful and encouraging Christian ministry "Preaching Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. " Donations for this charity are greatly needed. If you would like to help the homeless and volunteer to help the Park Ministry, or you are looking for a home church please contact them at Echoes of Calvary Church,  21132 Ronald St. Anderson CA, 96007  (530) 365-3233


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bad News at the Good News Rescue Mission - Redding Homeless Families With Children

Meet John and Michelle, with their children ages 1, 5 , and 8 years of age. They are homeless here in Redding California in front of the Cypress Street Safeway. Unable to stay at the Good News Rescue Mission due to using their 30 days of eligibility there.

Now due to the Missions policy they must wait another 30 days before they can stay there again.They have been threatened by the Redding Police Department in their continuing effort to criminalize homelessness in our community.

What agency here in Redding is taking in the our share of the California "prison dumps" and just how much is that agency getting paid by the state per parolee ??

It is my understanding there are so many parole "prison dumps" in the Good News Rescue Mission's program that its being run like a prison complete with homeless being subject to prison dump mentality and prison yard attitude.

The Good News Rescue Mission is the only night time homeless shelter in all of Redding and Shasta County.

There is a book going around the charity circuit claiming folks besides established charity groups are enabling the homeless. In Redding they are taking it a step further as Living Hope Ministry plans to stop serving prepared meals on site, and the only breakfast, lunch and dinner rescue mission seems to be making their food as less palatable as possible, (rice and gravy for dinner) in hopes of  homeless people saying  the hell with this and better themselves, or simply move along to another town.

John has told me, as well as many homeless here over the years that the best donations of food, meat and drinks go to the program members as well as staff of the mission taking the best donations home, while the homeless eat just that, rice and gravy for dinner.

Redding Coalition for the Homeless

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Has Redding's Living Hope Lost Their Own ?

From Bethel Church joining forces with the Redding California Police Department to destroy homeless camps when they have nowhere else to go, to Living Hope Compassion Ministries plan to take food FREELY donated by Church's and Trader Joes and SELL food boxes to the poor, have even churches forsaken Love and Mercy ?

With their plan to stop serving food donated by the community and expected to go to the poor and homeless, and instead take that food FREELY donated and SELL it in their new restaurant for a profit , one must ask Mike Mojarro Executive Director what happened to "freely you have received, freely give" ?

And plans are in the future the poor and homeless can forget Living Hope as their only inclement weather day shelter here in the winter when the Good News Rescue Mission kicks them out for the day. Should work perfectly with Redding Police Departments war on the poor  as they ramrod the homeless every chance they get at the Shasta County Library. The poor and homeless will be on every street corner scaring away investors in any future retail development, and any families moving here for any future manufacturing jobs.

And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

And it appears there is no more room for church services at Living Hope Compassion Ministries as apparently the church sanctuary will be removed as well. Will the cross be removed next ? How does all this make the Gospel of Jesus Christ come alive?

If any of this concerns you please call Mike Mojarro Executive Director of Living Hope Ministries at (530) 243 - 8066

1043 State Street Redding, CA 96001

Friday, August 3, 2012

Celebration of Life to remember Betty Franco

Sometimes, rarely, we are blessed in our life to know a soul with love and limitless compassion for others. I knew Betty as a loving mother and care provider to all of the poor, homeless, and disenfranchised she came in contact with here in Redding. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints, and Betty surely was one of His saints. And from your suffering you are free at last, thank God almighty, you are free at last.......

Join us for a Celebration of Life to remember Betty Franco
(Before the annual HOPE Homeless BBQ.)

 10:00 a.m. - Wednesday - Aug 8th.- Lake Redding Pavilion ( In Lake Redding Park)

Betty Franco was an extremely passionate Humanitarian and relentless and dedicated advocate for all Shasta County residents including people from all walks of life.

In lieu of flowers please send donations to:
The H.O.P.E. Van ( Health Outreach for People Everywhere)
C/O of Shasta Community Health Center
1035 Placer St.Redding, Ca. 96001

More info - Heather Russell - 530- 356 - 7334

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Human Bones Found in Redding Henderson Open Space Homeless Camp Area

 Officer Bob Brannon, R. P. D. - Henderson Homeless Camp Raids

In an area easily accessible to a car or truck at the end of Henderson Road, Redding California Police Sgt. Al Mellon reported Human bones were found 7/25/2012 as police and others were working cleanup of the Henderson Open Space area , south of the Cypress Avenue Bridge.

Preliminary information from the lab indicates the bones had been there for "well over a year," he said.

Redding Homeless Blog must ask in an area heavely raided and enforced by the Redding Police Department and Officers from the California Department of Fish and Game, no offending odors were ever detected ?

Not by law enforcement ? Not by nature hikers ? Not by fisherman ? Not by the homeless ?

Not by members of the Henderson Neighborhood Open Space Group who regularly and ruthlessly patrols the area to turn in homeless camps and destroy their basic survival areas without compassion or pity ?

Looks like the Record Searchlight is a financial donor to the Community Creek Action Group which yearly destroys and unapologetically clears vegetation and life sustaining homeless camps in the Henderson Open Space without offering a compassionate alternative to the multitudes of homeless they displace. How about the Good News Rescue Mission ? No. California Faith Community Nursing ? Rotary Club of Redding ? How about Redding Electric Utilities which is a major contributor to homelessness in our area ? Simpson University students ? Yep all of them. Soon you can add Bethel Church.

                       Department of Fish and Game - Henderson Homeless Camp Raids

In an exclusive preliminary investigation and interviews of homeless, Redding Homeless Blog has discovered some interesting and shocking details.

In fact the area where the human remains were discovered is inhabited by several close knit camps of long time cronic homeless individuals. Nobody in the area ever remembers the smell of a human body rotting there.

More disturbing still it has been reported that one of the long time homeless of the area witnessed the placement of the board over which the skeletal remains were later found. Unaware several used the board for a seat, oblivious to the grisly contents underneath.

As you can imagine they are now in fear for their life. Still more shocking still, they have not been interviewed by any members of the Redding Police Department.

Area of homeless camps

It has also been reported to Redding Homeless Blog by members of the Redding Fire Department that several fires over the years were set in known homeless camps by people other than homeless trying to garner hatred for our local homeless polulation. Was the deposit of these human remains a step up from that playbook in order to cast aspersions on the homeless here as well ?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bethel Church and Redding Police Join Forces to Destroy Homeless Camps

Redding Olympic hopeful Ryan Hall's Bethel Church and Redding California Police join forces to destroy homeless camps, "cut high grass and low hanging branches" to drive them out of hiding.

Please listen to the Redding California police chief on KCNR Radio (starting about 1:10 minutes in)...about Bethel church, homeless encampments, and their civil and constitutional rights.

It is shocking.

Shocking for the fact that a huge Christian  Church is joining forces to help destroy homeless camp areas that they find refuge in. Why are we seeing so many homeless in the downtown area?  because this new police chief Robert Paoletti from Stockton has no compassion for the homeless and is forcing them out of their camps and into the streets, with many reports of their survival and personal possesions illegally thrown away.. If every city in California took his approach, where would the homeless go?

"Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?   But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts?   Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called?"

James Chapter 2

Please Call Bethel Church 
and register your complaint today !! (530) 246-6000

7/18/2012 - I just received a return call about my complaint from a representative of Bethel Church saying that to join forces with Redding police and destroy homeless camps, "cut high grass and low hanging branches" to drive them out of hiding is
"doing their civic duty".

What happened to their duty to Christ ?

UPDATE - 7/22/2012 - Church joins war against the poor

Redding Coalition for the Homeless

UPDATE : 7/26/2012 -  Most folks come to Bethel Church and School of "Supernatural" Ministry from other Continents and Countries.

Do we really need foreigners coming into our country and community from New Zealand,  Australia, Saudi Arabia, etc... driving out American homeless and destroying their camps and basic survival shelters in our town?

Especially when Veterans make up one in four homeless people in the United States !!

Shame on local media for not bringing this to light.

Shame on Bethel, for what they are doing is not only Un Christian, but Un American as well...

Community clean-up crew find human bones while clearing a transient camp


Friday, June 22, 2012

Man charged for solicitation proclaiming the Gospel at Redding Walmart

Shirlyn Pappas and Laurence Schmahll pose with offending scriptures after his court victory.

In a case sure to have local religious freedom advocates abuzz a man was charged by Redding California Police Department for holding a sign by the road in the Walmart area.

The sign did not ask
for money, or state that he would work for food, but contained Bible verses which the man was charged for of all things soliciting.

Laurence Schmahll stated that he received a ticket from Redding Police Officer "Marks, badge number 183" for the dastardly Christian crime of displaying two Bible verses in public written down on cardboard.

Fortunately for Mr. Schmahll the case was taken up by Redding attorney Timothy Pappas and Pacific Justice Institute , a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties.

Of course with Mr Pappas's legal council the case was quickly thrown out of the Shasta County courtroom.

Now that homelessness is a crime in Redding and Shasta County it is good to see that so far Christian evangelism is not.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Meet Redding's "Catwoman"

A gentle homeless soul in her 70's who loves to collect money to feed her stray animal friends.
Homeless for the majority of 16 years, she camps out in the wooded area by the Sacramento River known as the Henderson Open Space. Recently she alleges that Bob Brannon, community work program officer for the Redding California Police Department has threatened to arrest her if she dident leave the Henderson area, and that she would loose her beloved pet dog, and that he was sick of cleaning up after her.

"Catwoman" is a very warm and easy to talk to individual. She loves to feed and take in unwanted stray dogs and cats, and it is said that she has developed a relationship with wild animals as well, feeding turtles and baby skunks as they rub up against her like baby kittens. Unfortunatly when Bob Brannon discovers and raids her camp, he throws away pounds of Cat and Dog food, as well as any survival homeless camping gear she has managed to obtain.

"Catwoman" is a cancer survivor, and unfortunatly needs a constant supply of colostomy bags to maintain her health. The last thing this dear homeless senior citizen needs is a threat of arrest, and the loss of her beloved pet dog hanging over her head.

If you agree that homelessness is not a crime and Catwoman is not a criminal then please take the time to call the Redding Police Department at (530) 225 - 4200 and ask for Redding Police Chief Robert Paoletti.

Let him know that this is not Stockton, that we here in Redding are compassionate to our homeless senior citizens, and until Redding California and Redding Rotary is willing and able to provide adequate shelters and affordable housing for the growing numbers of homeless folks free of homeless camping tickets,criminalization and evictions that Henderson Open Space is big enough for everybody to share.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fullerton Police beat up a mentally-ill homeless man to death

"Dad ...Dad...Dad...Please help me God !" - Many more officers from Fullerton California should be charged ! OUTRAGE !! MURDER !!!

"Manuel Ramos, a police officer from Fullerton, California, has been charged with second degree murder for allegedly beating a mentally-ill homeless person to death last year. His co-worker, Officer Jay Cicinelli, faces charges of involuntary manslaughter and excessive use of force. This video from a surveillance camera shows Kelly Thomas, the victim, pleading for his life while the officers beat him on the street."

New lawsuit for OC officer in homeless death case

Do you see these fists City of Fullerton ?

Read more here:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Redding California Homeless Veterans "Memorial Building"

The last resting place in Redding California for many of her Homeless Veterans.

No one who has served this Nation as Veterans in Redding and Shasta County California should ever be living on the streets homeless. Veterans make up one in four homeless people in the United States.

Homelessness is not just a problem among middle-age and elderly veterans. Younger veterans including women from Iraq and Afghanistan are trickling into shelters and soup kitchens seeking services, treatment or help with finding a job.

Redding Coalition for the Homeless

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Redding California Police say two threatened homeless pair with shotgun, kill dog.

REDDING California - Someone called the police around 10 a.m. reporting a suspect brandishing a firearm near the intersection of Butte Street and Walnut Avenue, said Sgt. Aaron Maready with the Redding Police Department.

When officers arrived, Kristopher Consentino, 24, and Brianna Moore, 19, told them two unknown people threatened them earlier in the wooded area where they live, Maready said.

Maready said the pair told officers a man pointed a shotgun at them and accused them of stealing, which Moore and Consentino denied.

As the suspects walked away, they told Moore and Consentino they'd shot a dog, Maready said.

The couple's dog had been missing, so Moore and Consentino checked near their campsite, where they found it shot dead, Maready said.

"I have no idea why someone would do this," Maready said. "I mean, it's just a dog. Good grief. It's terrible."

Read More: