Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Shame And Corruption of Mercy Canyon And Redding California Shasta County Officials


You may remember seeing a bench dedicated to the ABC Grocery store at the entrance to Mercy Canyon after the recent horrific homeless man was murdered, sadly not the first.

Confessed Teen Killer Alejandro Nunez Armstrong

There Redding shoved their black community including the ABC grocery store, a bar called Jomars place, and I believe a laundry....All black.

They were treated very poorly of course, as perceived by many as sub human being black. Growing up in Redding unfortunatly, sadly in those years  it was known to many as "Coon Canyon"

Facinating how the perceived marginalized sub human homeless are forced to take shelter there today.

Childs Teddy Bear Mercy Canyon Homeless Camp

Now what most people don't know is the owner of an establishment there Leo Coleman is still alive today with im sure valuable history, photo gems never before seen of the store, and wonderful stories of the black community that once lived there.

Oh and by the way Mr Coleman lost his son , hung in Anderson California

There is a sad legacy of racism here in Redding California going back for decades

After Cross Burning, A Town Marches Together

Monday, October 18, 2021

Redding California MUST Declare A Homeless Shelter Crisis !


It appears the City of Redding California has allowed several areas for homeless to camp and try to survive. One of the larger is the area under Cypress St bridge where many are now. Tragically this area is completly unacceptable as the city dumped several feet of torturous large river cobble stones covering the entire area. Try sleeping in that.

Additionally this is allegedly where "Pirate" took his victim and performed his nefarious deeds. Also this is where a young lady dwelled shot dead by Redding police department.

The secrecy of the City of Redding allowed homeless camps can only be accomplished by an unholy union with local chamber of commerce news media types, and its conspiracy of silence.... Which of course equates to un reported homeless street deaths.

Its ludacris to believe as the City of Chico is sued and a homeless crissis is declared yet City of Redding can stuff her homeless under bridges and brush fields by Benton airpark during what is sure to be a very brutal winter.... No problems here....

A Tweet from a reporter from Record Searchlight | telling the TRUTH of Redding's homeless problem from several years ago... The SECRET IS OUT !

Tweet from Record Searchlight Reporter 

Read More : "Redding's Good News Rescue Mission turned away 500 people last year."

Friday, October 15, 2021

Redding Prayer Warrior Pray For Truth - Shame The Devil



It has come to my attention that certain members of the REDDING POLICE DEPARTMENT are practicing Satanic Occult practices and have a FEAR of the CHRISTIAN public they commit attrocities against. I heard one Officer SAM LAMAS warn Officer Will Williams as he slung threat after threat to me in front of Redding City Hall that I am a Christian.  Officer Sam Lamas warned Will Williams to stay at the corner of the building and shout his threats as if they came any closer they would be in camera range.

SO IF YOU ARE THE PRAYING KIND WE will focus on this Redding police officer SAM LAMAS and that all SATANIC OCCULTIST  in the Redding Police Department  Be BOUND , REBUKED , and  CAST OUT ! of the REDDING CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT and the COMMUNITY as a Whole !

Again we will focus prayer and intention that God Binds, Rebukes, and Casts out the evil Redding Police Officers from our city...  In Jesus Name 

Read More :  Redding Police Corporal Will Williams Threatened Local Homeless Advocate With Violence


We will be praying Jesus with His mighty sword cuts the dead wood off the Vine at the Redding California Police Department and Shasta County Sheriff Department exposing corruption and lawlessness. Refine them in your mighty fire and pour out the dross for all the world to see.... "Turn them over to Satan for the destruction of their flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

Shine Christians shine, and let the evil ones scatter like cockroaches ,

In Jesus Name ...