Redding Olympic hopeful Ryan Hall's Bethel Church and Redding California Police join forces to destroy homeless camps, "cut high grass and low hanging branches" to drive them out of hiding.
Please listen to the Redding California police chief on KCNR Radio (starting about 1:10 minutes in)...about Bethel church, homeless encampments, and their civil and constitutional rights.
It is shocking.
Shocking for the fact that a huge Christian Church is joining forces to help destroy homeless camp areas that they find refuge in. Why are we seeing so many homeless in the downtown area? because this new police chief Robert Paoletti from Stockton has no compassion for the homeless and is forcing them out of their camps and into the streets, with many reports of their survival and personal possesions illegally thrown away.. If every city in California took his approach, where would the homeless go?
"Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts? Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are called?"
James Chapter 2
Please Call Bethel Church and register your complaint today !! (530) 246-6000
UPDATE - 7/18/2012 - I just received a return call about my complaint from a representative of Bethel Church saying that to join forces with Redding police and destroy homeless camps, "cut high grass and low hanging branches" to drive them out of hiding is
"doing their civic duty".
What happened to their duty to Christ ?
UPDATE - 7/22/2012 - Church joins war against the poor
Redding Coalition for the Homeless
UPDATE : 7/26/2012 - Most folks come to Bethel Church and School of "Supernatural" Ministry from other Continents and Countries.
Do we really need foreigners coming into our country and community from New Zealand, Australia, Saudi Arabia, etc... driving out American homeless and destroying their camps and basic survival shelters in our town?
Especially when Veterans make up one in four homeless people in the United States !!
Shame on local media for not bringing this to light.
Shame on Bethel, for what they are doing is not only Un Christian, but Un American as well...
Community clean-up crew find human bones while clearing a transient camp