Friday, February 1, 2019

Redding Homeless Coalition - Why We Fight

The cold  razor sharp sobering reality of street life as a homeless individual is frightening.
I shudder thinking or mentally walking in their shoes , but to be sure nothing I phantom compares to their day after day reality.

Many ask me with a blank stare as I walk through their reality, "Who is fighting for us?

Walk a little deeper, love them a little more and soon the layers peel back and you discover Redding's rejected humanity pushed to the edge of the Sacramento river spiritually is like the Hebrews of the biblical exodus with their backs to the red sea.

Time for the Parkview tent camp is running out, What will God do ?

Veterans make up a surprisingly large number of Redding's homeless population. Unfortunately so many of them were exposed to an enemy far more insidious that followed so many of them home.

Can I say it without compromising the dignity and privacy of one example of many in Redding and Shasta County?

Agent orange .... Insidious... Back up against the river by a city that wants to make your remaining days miserable, Unacceptable.

Have I said it without saying it?

So if you can, please stop by Reddings Parkview tent camp and ask for Richard. Love offerings of food and other comforts would be greatly appreciated.

Why we fight ?  Just look for the homeless combat Veterans tent with the American flag...


Unknown said...

Can I ask this "why isn't anyone in this most crucial and desperate hour doing a Damm thing to help the homeless people anywhere in California I mean Anywhere!! I want to help with as little as I have I just need some ideas about what is needed most right now?? Please let me know

Unknown said...

And to anyone else out there in the Redding area that has a heart,please help me to help them right now!!! If not now then when?? I couldn't live with myself if I don't do anything right now, in this darkest hour for our fellow humans!! Please help with whatever you got to help with!; Even just your time!! Please email me with your ideas and offers of help we just have to do something right now !!!

Unknown said...

Contact me at (530) 806-9516 text please

Unknown said...

I have tried and tried to open a nonprofit to help these people for a couple of years now and I can't seem to get anywhere with City officials and planning I could make a huge difference in the homeless population what we need is more people like you that actually give a s***