Monday, July 20, 2020

Mothers Against Anderson Police Department Cover Up

FLOWER POWER ! Yellow Shirts and SUNFLOWERS ! Seems like Anderson Police Department is blowing us off as far as "Are they going to re open Leo Colman Jr Murder / Hanging or close it" as Anderson police Chief Michael Johnson has written, probably in hope that if nothing more is said it will all go away....

Well Anderson police Chief Michael Johnson has not Leo Jr been hanging in that Anderson Oak tree long enough...? Even the 23 year still blood soaked ground below that crooked tree cries out for Justice against YOU Anderson Police Chief.....


You can find the complete story of the hanging of Leo Coleman and 3 letters to the editor here

Forever your legacy will be NOT TRUSTWORTH for a Measure Q or R or X for a new super prison to go with new giant justice league court house being built so don't ask Y when that rolls around because to COVER THIS UP IMPLICATES YOUR ENTIRE ANDERSON POLICE DEPARTMENT AND SHERIFF POPE AND THAT NASTY SHASTA COUNTY ADMINISTRATION AS WELL....

'Seems God has your neck in a ringer Chief Johnson"...

We are asking group folks that are interested .....ESPECIALLY MOTHERS, in another peaceful FLOWER protest at Anderson Police Department.

"The Mothers For Leo Coleman Jr Protest"

Monday, August 3, 2020 at 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM  Anderson Police Department 
Please Bring Flowers.... Balloons , .. Posters... Banners... To Put On Anderson Police Department Sign, Music Players.... Music Instruments...... INVITE YOUR FRIENDS ! PLEASE BRING MASK, Hand Wash, and Practice social distancing. Peaceful ONLY Event.