Sunday, January 2, 2022

Redding California Refuses to Open a Warming Shelter for Her Least Fortunate


With Christmas just days gone by, you would thing Redding and Shasta County Supervisors would have more compassion for the homeless in our community. The Good News Rescue Mission, 3100 South Market Street, the only nighttime shelter we have is reportedly kicking out homeless seeking shelter for the most nominal of offenses. Several can be seen sleeping on the sidewalk in front of the mission.

Redding Homeless - Good News Rescue Mission

Those with mental issues, are forced to sleep outside, even though the temperatures have been below freezing for several days now, including homeless children. Dozens of homeless are forced to seek shelter under the roof of a very compassionate local business but really is that fair to them?

 A young little girl in a pink jacket is living in a freezing boulder field under Cypress Street with dozens of other homeless sufferings, yet even though the City of Redding has declared a Homeless Shelter Crisis, and received a million dollars, the refuse to put a large tent next to those languishing under this and other bridges seeking the only shelter they can find. 

Why it's perfectly natural that folks don't want to go to the Good News Rescue Mission. I know of several instances where homeless young boys have been molested there. Other reports of men masturbating. bed bugs, scabies, and other unpleasant behaviors seem to be the norm, not to mention thievery. Young boys at a certain age I understand are separated from their families and forced to stay with them.  

And of course the 30 days in 30 days out mission policy is tragic, since most folks point to the mission as the be all as far as homelessness is concerned in Shasta County... The only game in town.

Some time ago, I had a conversation with my next door neighbor, Deputy Sheriff Will Gardner ( at one time sex crime investigator), that I was concerned that a homeless child could be molested, and the pedophile could attend the Good News Rescue Mission's drug and alcohol program as part of his sentence, eating the finest donations of deli meats and cheeses, sitting on fine plump leather couches in air-conditioned comfort, while that homeless child is still in the bushes curled around a rock still homeless.
Deputy Sheriff Will Gardner stated " You dont have to worry about that scenario any longer.... Its already happened...

Fascinating that the City of Redding has also received as I understand 18 million dollars in Covid relief funds, that can certainly be used to give our least fortunate some kind of relief, is used to hire 3 more City of Redding employees and machinery to destroy homeless survival areas.

Just before Christmas.... And Bethel Church played a major role ...  

What more must the homeless endure with two murdered by young men with no motive at all?

And vigilantism on the rise   ?

And an attitude by Redding and Shasta County Officials that being homeless is still a crime 

Seems nobody wears masks at the Good News Rescue Mission, sadly several of the Mission staff have died from Covid 19 

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