Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Video and Photo Images of Redding Parkview Homeless Camp Snowstorm

Video and photo images of Redding Parkview homeless camp devastated by snowstorm of 2-13-19 many were suffering.

Redding Homeless Family with Children

Redding Homeless

Redding Homeless Disabled

Redding Homeless Handicapped

Redding Homeless

Redding Homeless

Redding Homeless Veteran

Redding Homeless

Redding Homeless

Redding Homeless

Redding Homeless - Cypress Street Safeway

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Redding California ParkView Homeless Tent City

Since it seems that the City of Redding California city council members drop everything they believe as far as Bethel church Christian beliefs in homeless compassion and Jesus commands as to the "Least of the Brethren," at the threshold of council chamber doors, it is up to the individuals of the Redding community to join in the Spirit of Unity and the Bond of Peace and help those less fortunate suffering on the banks of the Sacramento river at the Parkview Tent City.

Indeed, many of them believers themselves, are in need of basic life sustaining food and shelter.

Homelessness and poverty publicly sleeps and suffers all over the streets and sidewalks of Redding.

If You Are Cited By Redding Police
or HAVE YOUR POSSESSIONS / SURVIVAL GEAR TAKEN  Legal Services of Northern California Would Like To Hear From You !


*Update 1/5/19 - PROTEST Event ! -  Tell City of Redding NOT to enact anti-homeless ordinance - Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 8 PM   777 Cypress Ave

*Update 1/5/19 - SIGN THE PETITION ! Tell City of Redding NOT to enact anti-homeless ordinance!

*Update 1/8/19 - The Redding ParkView Homeless Tent City Camp was raided today, some tents, possessions thrown away with no Red Tag Notice !

NEED Legal Team of Homeless Civil Constitutional Rights Lawyers, Advocates and Activists to Monitor, Observe and Document Parkview Redding California Tent City Survival Camp.

Redding Homeless Recommends RED TAGGED Camp Carr PARKVIEW Tent City Folks FILM ALL Police Interaction with Survival Occupants IF BEING EVICTED

Redding homeless Cypress St

City of Redding, the local news media, Redding police Chief Moore ALL publicly NOT TELLING THE TRUTH saying the Good News Rescue Mission has never been at capacity - Tweet from Record Searchlight Reporter Katie Gillespie

Please help homeless in #CampCarr Tent City as they need donations of FOOD n WATER  Also Sleepingbags,  Tents,  Tarps,  and Jackets.

PLEASE for SAFETY Of  Homeless Men, Women, and Children staying Redding ParkView Tent City consider donating Coleman battery operated type camping Lanterns, Flashlights, and  extra batteries.

Also need small camping cooking stoves w/ extra propane gas, utensils,  plastic cups, coffee,  garbage bags tents, tarps, toiletries and feminine hygiene products.

Check Back and Get CONTINUED DAILY UPDATES On GROWING Redding California #CampCarr Homeless TENT CITY HERE !

Parables of Jesus: Jesus Declares the Parables of the Wheat and Tares, Mustard Seed, and Leaven

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Shasta County Sheriff Bosenko a breath of fresh air in corrupt court system

In Redding the storm of fellow human hatred intensifies, created by the dark dynamics of those presumed to be in control, and ignored by those presumed to be in spiritual authority.

A dynamic that finds Shasta Counties lady liberty not only blindfolded, but deaf and dumb as well...

Can retired Superior Court Judge Steven Jahr really make an argument based solely on "Piecing together press accounts of the Graham matter," as he suggests in his 'Bosenko wrongly blaming judge" Speak your piece editorial ?

May I with all due respect present some facts....

Squalor, extreme poverty, decay, drugs, disease can all be found festering in ramshackle structures, trailers, and some homeless camps all over Shasta County.

Garbage often overflows from hoarding issues, a sign of other possible mental problems to be sure.

Add extreme heat temperatures to the mix for those trapped in this suffering torment one must ask who is the voice for the innocent voiceless ?

Yes babies, infants and children live in these conditions right here where YOU live Mr Jahr.

So in this day of growing law enforcement mistrust how refreshing and courageous it is to find our Sheriff so concerned with the safety of the community, and an immediate concern for a suspect that now has proven dramatically and prophetically to be a danger to self and others.

Perhaps it is a preponderance and history of poor decisions on the part of Judge Cara Beatty that "fuels publicly renewed criticism" by Sheriff Bosenko ?

Perhaps this is part of a larger, far darker and tragic scenario that is playing out here than missing baby Ember.

Cara Beatty can take care of herself Judge Jahr, innocents need your efforts and writing skills.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Redding Record Searchlight, Politics & Death

At a recent city wide so called Safe City Project , with its leader April LaFrance , and interesting admonition was made, and Tweeted by a Redding Record Searchlight Reporter.

With the Good News Rescue Mission being the ONLY nightime rescue mission shelter in all of Redding and Shasta County California this fact, if reported... this crucial Tweet... if turned into a news story would rally the generous and caring community Redding has become, and positive steps surely would be taken that would change the dynamics of homelessness in our community, and quite possibly SAVE LIVES.

Not only that, If the facts and truth were released, to be ticketed by Redding Police Chief Robert Paoletti and his department for homeless sleeping now would be more than ever a very real violation of homeless persons civil and constitutional rights.

A situation here in Redding already determined to be cruel and unusual punishment in other California cities  by a Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Needless to say, in those cities positive changes were made, services added, lives saved....

Indeed one would think the Record Searchlight  / as a whole would be interested in the health, safety, and well being of our local homeless families, children, and veterans.

With temperatures that can dip to single digits in the winter here you would like to believe there is a news reporter somehow, somewhere with the courage and compassion to report on this crucial Tweet information.

Tweet information that Redding California's desperate homeless have long been painfully aware...

"Redding Good News Rescue Mission turned away 500 people last year."
14 Degree Wind chill 7 a.m.

Friday, December 5, 2014

"Redding's Good News Rescue Mission turned away 500 people last year."

Shocking news from the Good News Rescue Mission, Redding and Shasta Counties ONLY night time homeless shelter.

Reported at a recent town hall safety meeting in a Tweet by Record Searchlight / Redding .com News Reporter Katie Gillespie

To be ticketed by Shasta County or Redding Police for homeless sleeping now seems more than ever a very real violation of homeless persons Civil and Constitutional rights

'They have no place': Rousted, relocated, Redding's homeless have few choices.

"As the county's only shelter, the mission is scarcely equipped to handle its homeless population, said Community Relations Director Ken White.

"We're feeling extraordinarily overwhelmed by the amount of services needed by people in the community," he said. "If the economy worsens, or even stays as it's been, that could be a very at-risk population as a community I don't feel like we're very prepared to service at this point."

The mission has only about 120 beds, he said, but because staff members try to help everyone they can, up to 70 extra guests at a time often sleep on the chapel floor.

"There's a huge need," he said.

And the mission's 30-day time limit means it's hardly a solution to Redding's homelessness situation, he said".

City Council member hears threats of baseball bats against homeless and their camps, Redding Police release map!

Redding California Police release map of known homeless camps at a city wide Redding Convention Center safety meeting ( #SafeRedding ) after Redding city council person Missy McArthur receives messages from vigilantes wanting to go out into the homeless camps and send them a message with baseball bats.

Im getting calls, emails, and on – the street comments about this No.1 issue. Things like : “Let’s take some bats and show transients we don’t want them here.”

Redding California's Councilwoman Missy McArthur’s “Speak Your Piece"

Meeting map tweet from Record Searchlight  / reporter at meeting Alayna Shulman

Seems a police and city official created dynamic hardly conducive to the health, safety, and well being of our local homeless men and women, as well as the growing numbers of our homeless families, children, and veterans.

"Redding Good News Rescue Mission turned away 500 people last year."
14 Degree Wind chill 7 a.m.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What are you doing for Global Homeless Day 5/5/19 ?

Would you like to draw attention to the problems homeless and poor are suffering in your area and give homeless people a voice?

Would you like to help ?  What can Celebrities, Politicians, Church’s, Schools, Youth groups, Businesses and others do ?

*Please SHARE this page on Facebook, Twitter, and ALL social media !

*Ask your local Television, Radio, and Newspaper's for coverage of your local Global Homeless Day events highlighting your favorite homeless cause or charity!

*Get Involved ! E- Mail this page to ALL YOUR FRIENDS ! 

*Feel free to use the Global Homeless Day globe logo image,  Help make this yearly event a stunning compassionate success !

Promote your favorite non profit or charity or start your own grassroots  homeless charity day by volunteering and hosting  Global Homeless Day 5/5/2019 event !

Help Homeless Families, Children Veterans and others with a Food, Tent, and Sleeping Bag Drive

Help Feed Homeless Pets

Get The Government Involved – Protest politicians criminalization and police brutality against poor and homeless,  Homelessness is not a crime ! Rally !!

Use your Imagination ! Painting, Music, Photography, Poetry, Writing and blogging. Celebrities, musicians produce a Global Homeless Day YouTube Video !

Please join homeless, hunger, and poverty advocates and activists from around the world every May 5th as we  promote Global Homeless Day !

Here you will find the most up to date information and news on Global Homeless Day. Let us know what you are planning in comment section.

What are you doing for Global Homeless Day 5/5/19 ? Here you can post your event, charity, food drive, etc. Use hashtag #GlobalHomelessDay then the Global Homeless Day team will assure it will receive MAXIMUM ONLINE GLOBAL VISIBILITY ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK  !

Global Homeless Day

Use this code to put a Global Homeless Day Button on your Site !