Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Redding California ParkView Homeless Tent City

Since it seems that the City of Redding California city council members drop everything they believe as far as Bethel church Christian beliefs in homeless compassion and Jesus commands as to the "Least of the Brethren," at the threshold of council chamber doors, it is up to the individuals of the Redding community to join in the Spirit of Unity and the Bond of Peace and help those less fortunate suffering on the banks of the Sacramento river at the Parkview Tent City.

Indeed, many of them believers themselves, are in need of basic life sustaining food and shelter.

Homelessness and poverty publicly sleeps and suffers all over the streets and sidewalks of Redding.

If You Are Cited By Redding Police
or HAVE YOUR POSSESSIONS / SURVIVAL GEAR TAKEN  Legal Services of Northern California Would Like To Hear From You !


*Update 1/5/19 - PROTEST Event ! -  Tell City of Redding NOT to enact anti-homeless ordinance - Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 8 PM   777 Cypress Ave

*Update 1/5/19 - SIGN THE PETITION ! Tell City of Redding NOT to enact anti-homeless ordinance!

*Update 1/8/19 - The Redding ParkView Homeless Tent City Camp was raided today, some tents, possessions thrown away with no Red Tag Notice !

NEED Legal Team of Homeless Civil Constitutional Rights Lawyers, Advocates and Activists to Monitor, Observe and Document Parkview Redding California Tent City Survival Camp.

Redding Homeless Recommends RED TAGGED Camp Carr PARKVIEW Tent City Folks FILM ALL Police Interaction with Survival Occupants IF BEING EVICTED

Redding homeless Cypress St

City of Redding, the local news media, Redding police Chief Moore ALL publicly NOT TELLING THE TRUTH saying the Good News Rescue Mission has never been at capacity - Tweet from Record Searchlight Reporter Katie Gillespie

Please help homeless in #CampCarr Tent City as they need donations of FOOD n WATER  Also Sleepingbags,  Tents,  Tarps,  and Jackets.

PLEASE for SAFETY Of  Homeless Men, Women, and Children staying Redding ParkView Tent City consider donating Coleman battery operated type camping Lanterns, Flashlights, and  extra batteries.

Also need small camping cooking stoves w/ extra propane gas, utensils,  plastic cups, coffee,  garbage bags tents, tarps, toiletries and feminine hygiene products.

Check Back and Get CONTINUED DAILY UPDATES On GROWING Redding California #CampCarr Homeless TENT CITY HERE !

Parables of Jesus: Jesus Declares the Parables of the Wheat and Tares, Mustard Seed, and Leaven

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Anonymous Help the Homeless 2013 #OpXmas #Ophelpthehomeless - Redding

As part of a global Anonymous Event to donate a charity donation care package to the homeless this Christmas holiday, please join Anonymous Help the Homeless 2013 #OpXmas   Redding California Page.

Every winter, in cities all over the world, people die from exposure to the elements.
All month of December Anonymous will take to the streets bringing help to those who need it most providing blankets, clothing, coats, gloves, sleeping bags, tents, tarps , canned food and other essential's for the homeless and needy.

Drop off locations~

 NVCSS Second Home

1250 California St, Redding CA 96001

(530) 247-3321

Shasta Trinity Tehama HIV Food Bank

925 Wall St, Redding, CA 96002

(530) 223-2118

"The homeless need our help. They can not depend on government assistance. It is up to each and every one of us to help our fellow man.

We need this outreach to become worldwide. We need you. Even if you can just afford to feed a couple of people, or there may be some clothes in your closets that you no longer can wear. If you have a phone, call some of your local hotels/motels/extended stay lodges and ask them if they have any blankets, toiletries, etc. that they would be willing to donate to the local homeless population.

Who knows, we could have made one choice differently that we did in our lives and be where they are today.

We are ANONYMOUS. It is up to each and every one of us as human beings to realize that life is precious and we are going to show our nations that WE WILL stand together!"

Anonymous  #Opsafewinter World Event Map