Most homeless folks that die on the streets are invisible and forgotten, a team is dispatched and the corpse is collected, area cleansed of any unpleasantness, and nobody would know why you have now vanished.
What is more tragic is the fact in most instances you will be listed as a John or Jane Doe and their will not be any trail to find the tragic tale you even ever existed.
Not this time...
Marcus - Corner LuLu's Restaurant - Deceased
You see even I did not know that the photos I took of him desperately trying to shine the light on the plight of his condition would be later determined to be photos of Marcus dead. So many homeless folks laying around Redding's streets at that hour, how can one determine who may be laying their sleeping, or a motionless corpse?So many homeless folks...
I suppose a corpse with his pants half down laying motionless has now shockingly become the Redding California norm, with people driving by Marcus's corpse on the side of the road on a busy Saturday night on Reddings downtown Market street like the motionless city of Redding metal roadside salmon art that sits in the median of Market street... Oblivious
Take a early morning drive around Redding, one really cant blame the night shift of the Redding police department for the "corpses" because there are bodies laying all over Redding's sidewalks and streets at that hour, sometimes with their head in the gutter, like Marcus.
Marcus - Safeway
The fact of the matter is City of Redding and Shasta County mental health officials left Marcus, a handicapped disabled double amputee homeless man to sit in the harsh elements and suffer on its streets until he was dead.
Not quietly, not invisibly , and not forgotten, much to the angry chagrin of many I know.
Marcus - Safeway
Marcus had told be he too had been beaten and robbed by Redding youth, and he like many now are so afraid to be attacked by Reddings notorious anti homeless vigilantes as well as robbers and thieves that pray on Reddings most vulnerable homeless population.
Oh did I mention it is now a crime to be homeless in Redding as well ?
They sleep in the light of Reddings sidewalks because like Marcus did they feel safer and believe if they are attacked there would be witnesses and the faintest chance you or I might stop and intervene should we drive by.
Until the weather changed and the sprinklers came on Marcus found such comfort in the Safeway parking lot and sidewalk.
Please dont tell me you have never seen him...
Marcus - Safeway
Marcus - Safeway - Hospital Discharge Bag on Chair
What can we learn from Marcus's tragic demise? Well there is a huge hole in Redding and Shasta Counties social safety net, he certainly is not alone. Many homeless here in Redding are in the condition of Marcus's last days, about to be another Redding roadside homeless corpse.
Just another bizarre piece of morbid motionless roadside art...
I completely agree, this town has lost its caring nature!
Just another reason I moved away
Like Mark I only knew his first name who was beaten and robbed and died under the parking structure a few years ago��I know many like me cringe and feel hopeless but I got to know mark brought him clothes and food He like Marcus was our brother a fellow human being who for 100's of diff. Reasons needed our help,we as a community failed him,I know we have to be careful and safe so many are mentally ill and can be violent,"there but by the grace of God go I" and if you've done it unto the least of these ye have done it unto me" good or bad. We need more community places and programs and for those saying good reason to move good luck iv traveled up through Org.wash.and the length of Calif. And the "problem" as so many put it is every where if we want it to get better we need to help or "Brothers &sisters" R.I.P. Marcus
Interesting you should mention him as Mark has been on my mind as well and did indeed die in the downtown Redding parking structure where the kids filmed themselves savagely kicking the sleeping homeless person in the head. Mark William Davis
Redding is heartless to address the homeless issues.
Marcus is proof of the heartlessness of those better off. Have we learned now? Don’t let Marcus die in vain.
have a $757.00 voucher till deadline of 7 31 2019 am a good person would be a good tenant diabetes and restraint food is killing me need apt w stove.
Very nice post. Thanks for sharing with us.
This is our Call to Love NOW!
The solution is drug testing and get rid of scourge sadistic and cruel government, we got our self out of the depression,by having careing working programs, we have to do it again.
are there no christians in redding? apparently not.
Homeless are citizens and people that are cruel are bullies. Consider one of your loved ones being on the street and treated like this because it will happen if its not stopped
Great tender post. Thank you! Check out
With the Medical Respite, we could have intercepted Marcus coming out of the ER or hospital......
it realing sad
I was homeless briefly. I tried joining the military at 17 denied because blind in right eye. And sixth grade education. I'd basically been on my own since about age 12. So I started doing the world's most dangerous job. Setting chokers on yarder. As guys my age sat in warm class room ect. Or three hots and a cot in military. My thoughts as I had to hide from the cops and the real lovers that wanted to be on the streets. Was unreal. Also knocking on doors looking homeless but only desperately wanting an od job but having people slam doors in my face. I guess I'm just saying lifes been very eye opening to the greed and sick nature of people. Having some well taken care of cop threatening your life. As he works his 8 hour so called dangerous once in a blu moon job lol. Type shit. I'm not against cops T all just an example. I could have easily been cop. Given the chance probably navy seal given the chance. Anyway some deserve an island. But a few are out there that have great hearts. Those are the ones I'd like to help.
Shasta county council needs to wake up and smell the coffee? The Mission is a JOKE!IF they call the mission a warming center those doors should be open at all times for everyone! Including the Specially at these temperatures we are having. Cuz If that's were they are directing our homeless to go when they come in and destroy clearing out there camp & throwing there personal property away like it's nothing but trash.I would love to have like maybe 10min to go into a Council members house or an RPD officers house and collect as much stuff as I could and just throw it in the trash.Sse if they like it see where it hits them at? An Bethal is planning a big part as well. Directing there youth's to go out to properties and clear out what left of camps. That's really Christian like? Wth really going on here ....... Let us All Come togeather as 1 and find a equal salution to at least a temporary for this Cricis now,because it's not going to get any better.if anything it's going to get worse. You think it's bad now. Mark my words & watch.ive have been out there in the stgle of homeless.Óff & On for 71/2 yrs & even lost the love of my life. God rest her soul. She past on Oct.27th the cold weaathet had played a good part in it. She was only 49 yrs old yes w health condition as well but she was sober not any drugs like everyone says they are. So come on people's let's get it together all lives Matter!! We all shed the same blood!! We are all Americans.....I am so now in transition of coming out from being out there on the streets.ig anyone knows me out there you know I keep it 100% tell it like it is No lie's they call me Black Mike!!!!
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