Saturday, December 7, 2013

PHOTOS: Redding California Homeless - Subfreezing December

3 young girls said they were staying in the Good News Rescue Mission
Woman's section and that Washington was much colder that Redding.

Redding Homeless Man, 23 degrees, 8 a.m.
Snowstorm Homeless Shelter, South City Park Bleachers

Frozen homeless camp downtown Redding.
Subfreezing morning behind old Wells Fargo depot for John
St George Greek Orthodox Church 23 degrees, 8 a.m.


Anonymous said...

I can remember how rents were still affordable up in Northern California,in places like Redding. This was in the timeline,the mid- 70's-- early 80's. There at least, very few homeless folks, because of the cheap rents then. Oh there was plenty of drugs and booze,but people were indoors or on their property doing such things. But,thanks to a lack of apartment building for around 42 years, there's more renters than places to rent- much less own ! And wages don't cover current market rent prices. We need a massive amount of building of apartments for working class,seniors and homeless would- be tenants on a scale that will eliminate homelessness,due to bringing back the housing levels before 1980,at least. Plus returning jobs and manufacturing back to America. " Get a job" slogans don't cut it. Correct the ratio of people to dwellings. That will end homelessness forever.

Anonymous said...

One more thing- the University of Maine actually us d a 3D printer to create low cost housing as an experiment. Using " wood cream" waste from logging operations. One of many options, including using " prefab" to create apartments. Housing creation,if you eliminate the corruption among developers and politicians, strict auditing and transparency, is a way to wisely use funds for housing creation.