Friday, March 21, 2025

Why are there a disproportionate number of missing / murdered in Redding and Shasta County?


 Indeed, a good question, why is there a disproportionate number of missing / murdered folks in Redding and Shasta County?


Stacey Smart

Danielle Bisnell

And what about the p2p super meth that is poisoning our community? 

People Talking? Missing Nikki Saelee McCain Murdered? - Win River Casino

Our local paper, the Record Searchlight has a chilling and frightening list titled "Vanished: 19 disappearances that are still without answers in Redding, Shasta County" as well as "Dozens of unresolved homicide cases linger in Redding, Shasta County"

A horrific 28 cases to be exact...

That's not including the human bones that have been dumped in various locations here , here and here as well as several others.

It certainly leads now to what many are speculating 

Have Shasta County Sheriff's Department been bought off by the Redding Rancheria / Winn River Casino to turn their back on the Nikki Saelee homicide investigation?

Wonder what the FBI and Homeland Security think of that.


Does the Zink family as well as far a missing Tara Smith is concerned?

Friends in high places? Redding Masonic lodge, Redding police investigators?


Why are the investigators examining tools so closely at the Tyler McCain house during a recent raid?


Did they search at another house / garage?

Should certain members of the Redding Rancheria continue to receive monthly money payouts?

Or should the tribe stop payments, and they get kicked out of their gated community for not participating fully in the Nikki Saelee homicide case? 

I think we all know who I am talking about.

So many missing and murdered in Redding and Shasta County.

Either Redding and Shasta County police detectives are bumbling fools, or they are knee deep in the corruption and covering for the multitude criminals that call Redding and Shasta County California home.  

Thursday, January 16, 2025

City of Redding to do pointless "point in time" homeless survey


Redding California homeless advocates prepare 2025 Point-in-Time survey, yet year after year they go to homeless camps to do a survey, then a week later Redding police raid and remove the identified camps...

Such BS

With chief Barner's aggressive criminalization of homeless, and their constitutional rights, many homeless know this and refuse to participate in the survey, knowing homeless haters volunteer for the count, to later report their location to police.

Reported homeless numbers are reported to be down, therefore reducing the amount of money available to solve the local homeless problem. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Questions Remain - The Disappearance of Nikki Saelee McCain

MISSING: Nikki Cheng Saelee-McCain

Im afraid due to political pressure from Redding Rancheria, detectives and resources are being pulled off the Nikki Saelee McCain case. There are FAR to many unsolved missing persons cases in Redding and Shasta County California that have led me to believe our law enforcement investigative officers are completely inept, unskilled, or as dirty and corrupt as the criminals who get away with these heinous crimes.

I strongly suggest a massive protest with signs and banners right in front of the Shasta County Sheriffs building on Park Marina drive. Also a massive protest on the sidewalk leading into Win River / Redding Rancheria with lots of press releases sent to local and NATIONAL news organizations.

Perhaps a local helicopter company or pilot Ron Lim would be interested in towing a "Find Nikki Saelee" banner over the next major event in Redding or Shasta County?

There are 3 people who last saw Nikki that night. I believe we should start putting their names out there as persons of interest. Call them by name, Tyler McCain, his mother Jenette, and Justin, aka "Too Tall."

I think we should put MASSIVE pressure on people of interest, and law enforcement to ACT and call in more investigative resources.

Maybe one should ask who is hanging around Tyler McCain now? Anybody else living on Tyler McCain's property today?

And since Tribal Chairman Jack Potter Jr and the Redding Rancheria have such a vast amount of wealth at their disposal why don't they hire a private investigator to look into the disappearance of Nikki Saelee McCain? 

Tribal Chairman Jack Potter Jr 

From Shasta County District Attorney investigators to Shasta County Major crimes unit they really should be TOTALLY ashamed of themselves. And it should be put out in the public to BOYCOTT WIN RIVER CASINO!

Win River Casino

There are many, many missing indigenous women missing from reservations and cases around the United States that are totally hampered by their "Sovern Nation" status. Ask yourself why Shasta County Sheriff Michael Johnson hasn't made a public statement on Nikki's case, or a public plea for anybody with information on her case please to come forward.

Shasta County Sheriff Michael Johnson 

Nothing but crickets... 

Of course, Sheriff Johnson promised to get back to the parents of a young black man Leo Coleman Jr  hung some years ago when he was Anderson police chief

Nothing but crickets....

Was it because your good friend and sheriff at the time Jim Pope refused to do an autopsy? Closed the casket even though the mother wanted it open?

Retired Sheriff Jim Pope - Photo a newscafe

No, people in their spirit from the beginning of Nikki's disappearance have known THEY have to get involved and THEY have to become investigators, and THEY have to organize search parties and protests... 

And may God Bless their work and endeavors. 

People Talking? Missing Nikki Saelee McCain Murdered? - Win River Casino

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