Showing posts with label Coleman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coleman. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2020

Finally big break in Leo Coleman Jr case ?


Interesting e mail exchange today ! Looks like upper management GM at Sundial collective finally has given the proper message to a Detective Finch at Anderson Police Department fed to me unsolicited at Sundial Collective employee almost 2 months ago ! 

Went from this...

  •  You;
Detective S. Grashoff,

I am forwarding you some emails received from Chris Solberg.  He is cc'd on this email.  We at Sundial Collective have no idea or knowledge of what he is asking for.  We have asked all of our employees if they have any knowledge of telling someone about Leo Coleman and they do not.  We have nothing we can do to further assist Chris Solberg so we have told him to contact you guys with any questions he has about this matter.


Sundial Collective

To this !

Although a little rattled I suppose, he referred to me as "Mr. Coleman."

Why is this information so crucial ?  Quote from Anderson Police Chief ...

“The men and women of APD care about this community and are committed to uncovering the truth, seeking justice, and serving without bias, prejudice, or regard. We will continue to investigate this matter and vet out all information, leads, and suspects before rendering a final disposition.”

Police issue response to demonstrators seeking justice for hanged black man, 23 years ago

I believe this is a big win for the Justice For Leo Coleman Jr Facebook  group and the We Demand Justice For Leo Coleman Jr group !

Re: Leo Coleman Jr Hanging and the Sundial Cannabis Collective Account
You replied on Mon 8/10/2020 2:16 PM
  •  You;
  •  Tyler Finch
Mr. Coleman,

We are not covering anything up. I did just find out who the person is. We are passing her information to detective finch in a private email the Anderson police department will do what the deem necessary with that information. Please direct all correspondence to the Anderson police department from here on out. 


Sundial Collective 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Leo Coleman Jr Hanging and the Redding Sundial Cannabis Collective


Imagine if you will, you are heading up a facebook site seeking justice for one of the most heinous crimes ever to be covered up in Shasta County. Oh im not talking about the lynching of the Ruggles brothers or the multitude of other unsolved lynching's over the years here.

I speak of the beating, torture and mutilation of a black man covered up some 23 years ago.

"The mutilated body of 31 year-old Leo Coleman, Jr. of Redding, California was found hanging from a tree in the nearby town of Anderson by two teenage boys November 24, 1997.

"Police reports document that Officer Ochoa received three separate ' reports from three different people on November 24, that Leo Coleman, Jr. was the victim of hanging by adherents of so-called "white pride" elements in the local community. On the day after Leo, Jr.'s death was reported, someone made a drawing of a hanging man and put it on Bobbi Culver, Leo, Jr.''s girlfriend's, front door."

After reading the only news publication with the courage to cover this gruesome tragic cover up story one MUST READ the tragic tale as you can see after reading and you have a heart and soul, you also will want to help in any way possible.

*WARNING GRAPHIC*  You can find the complete story of the hanging of Leo Coleman and 3 letters to the editor here    

Now with the Grace of God attention has been drawn by local news media outlets that folks indeed are seeking justice for Leo Coleman Jr, as the Record Searchlight reported. 

"23 years later, family still has questions about a Black man's hanging death in Anderson"

Our group Justice for Leo Coleman Jr and the Coleman family facebook group WE DEMAND JUSTICE FOR LEO COLEMAN JR even had a flower memorial for Leo Jr in front of Anderson Police Department and this is what the Chief of Anderson California police department had to say following the protest. 

“The men and women of APD care about this community and are committed to uncovering the truth, seeking justice, and serving without bias, prejudice, or regard. We will continue to investigate this matter and vet out all information, leads, and suspects before rendering a final disposition.”

Police issue response to demonstrators seeking justice for hanged black man, 23 years ago

"And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two."

Now Approximately a month and a half ago a young lady at Sundial Collective approached me and began talking about the Leo Coleman Jr case unsolicited.

She stated her ******* To Sensitive At This Time *******

A month and a half later, I asked the young girl at Sundial collective if anybody from Anderson Police Department called her, and she stated no... I also then enquired about her name as the Record Searchlight reporter asked me repeatedly through emails what her, and her brothers name was.

Well I left this message on comment section of Sundial Collective.

******* To Sensitive At This Time ******* "One of your employees has repeatedly told me her brother was one of the juveniles that originally found the body of black man Leo Coleman Jr. hanging 23 years ago. She stated her brother said there were symbols carved in the body, which would be quite strange since the police were quick to call it a suicide. As you can imagine I wish this information to go to the proper authorities as I am the administrator of the Justice For Leo Coleman Jr Facebook page. In fact here is a cut and paste of email of Record Searchlight reporter I received just this morning... As you can see this is no game...... Family members have been suffering for years.......

If your budtender is playing game with me, I need to know now"

"From: Arthur,Damon <>

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 6:13 PM

To: chris <>

Subject: RE: Leo Coleman Jr Murder Information

Hi Mr. Solberg,

What is her brother’s name?

I interviewed a man a few weeks ago who said he was one of two who found Leo Coleman Jr. in 1997.

I have been unable to verify his story. I would need to verify the story of anyone who told me they found Leo Coleman Jr.

The Anderson Police will not release police reports to me and Leo Coleman’s father says the names of the two boys who found him were covered up in the copy of the police report he has. So at this point I am unable to verify the statements from anyone.

It would be helpful if the people who claim to have found Mr. Coleman could provide verification of their stories.

Thank you,"

(Sent via Sundial Collective )

Well I was security at Sundial Collective when a manager, owner? came out unidentified as her name or position started saying I was going in to approach this girl and quiz her again, which is not true, and I explained what she told me and that my one and only goal was for her to speak to Damon Arthur, reporter at Record Searchlight , and I only wanted to know if she would yes or no and drop it for good there. This "manager" after explaining my story, stated "I cant blame you" and gave me her word she would find out. In the mean time, I received another email from Damon Arthur , reporter asking AGAIN what is her name...

My response,

Good Morning...

"You certainly have my permission to phone manager Ashley at Sundial collective to explain the situation as I left a message with her wanting a face to face but have yet to hear back.  I did tell the other manager at Sundial collective that the business did not even need to be mentioned in any possible news story as my one and only goal was to have her brother talk to reporter Mr Arthur... Perhaps I spoke out of turn, but I see how crucial contact of this girl's brother is, and if he is willing to talk. That was days ago. 

Thank you for your continued interest in this stunning cover up of a tragic murder

Chris Solberg 

For my efforts to seek justice, my supervisor has stated Sundial Collective has removed me from my job and position as security , and my supervisor has relayed that their is a restraining order against me for my efforts to see that this valuable information has been passed on to the proper authorities.

It is my personal opinion that Sundial collective management  is playing games with the lives and hearts of the Leo Coleman Jr family.

Has not 23 years been long enough?

I think and believe management wants nothing to affect the sales and distribution of cannabis products sales, profit over people, and their plants are far more important that the Leo Coleman Jr family.

If you tell the creator of Justice For Leo Coleman Jr group Sundial Collective management the things you did about this ghastly murder, what do you or would you expect a reasonable and prudent individual to do with the information?

I want a copy of this restraining order please...

Chris Solberg

Monday, July 20, 2020

Mothers Against Anderson Police Department Cover Up

FLOWER POWER ! Yellow Shirts and SUNFLOWERS ! Seems like Anderson Police Department is blowing us off as far as "Are they going to re open Leo Colman Jr Murder / Hanging or close it" as Anderson police Chief Michael Johnson has written, probably in hope that if nothing more is said it will all go away....

Well Anderson police Chief Michael Johnson has not Leo Jr been hanging in that Anderson Oak tree long enough...? Even the 23 year still blood soaked ground below that crooked tree cries out for Justice against YOU Anderson Police Chief.....


You can find the complete story of the hanging of Leo Coleman and 3 letters to the editor here

Forever your legacy will be NOT TRUSTWORTH for a Measure Q or R or X for a new super prison to go with new giant justice league court house being built so don't ask Y when that rolls around because to COVER THIS UP IMPLICATES YOUR ENTIRE ANDERSON POLICE DEPARTMENT AND SHERIFF POPE AND THAT NASTY SHASTA COUNTY ADMINISTRATION AS WELL....

'Seems God has your neck in a ringer Chief Johnson"...

We are asking group folks that are interested .....ESPECIALLY MOTHERS, in another peaceful FLOWER protest at Anderson Police Department.

"The Mothers For Leo Coleman Jr Protest"

Monday, August 3, 2020 at 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM  Anderson Police Department 
Please Bring Flowers.... Balloons , .. Posters... Banners... To Put On Anderson Police Department Sign, Music Players.... Music Instruments...... INVITE YOUR FRIENDS ! PLEASE BRING MASK, Hand Wash, and Practice social distancing. Peaceful ONLY Event.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Justice For Leo Coleman Jr Memorial Event

We Will Respectfully Peacefully Bring and Put Flowers Next To The Anderson Police Department Sign Representing Our Desire For His Case To Be Reopened.

If you have a photo of Leo Jr please bring we will be creating a photo memorial.


You can find the complete story of the hanging of Leo Coleman and 3 letters to the editor here 


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Redding Justice For Leo Coleman Facebook Group

"The mutilated body of 31 year-old Leo Coleman, Jr. of Redding,
California was found hanging from a tree in the nearby town of Anderson by two teenage boys November 24, 1997.

Police reports document that Officer Ochoa received three separate ' reports from three different people on November 24, that Leo Coleman, Jr. was the victim of hanging by adherents of so-called "white pride" elements in the local community. On the day after Leo, Jr.'s death was reported, someone made a drawing of a hanging man and put it on Bobbi Culver, Leo, Jr.''s girlfriend's, front door.

There is a tremendous push to stop drawing attention to this gruesome murder and those that are trying to reopen this cold case that never got the investigative attention it deserved.

Miracles can happen, cases like this after all these years can be solved. There is NO statute of limitations when in comes to what so many believe now is MURDER !·

This group is dedicated to shining the light on the murder / torture / mutilation / hanging of this young black man with the intent of reopening this brutal unsolved Shasta County case and bringing justice to Leo Coleman.

Join Us
  Justice For Leo Coleman Facebook Group 


You can find the complete story of the hanging of Leo Coleman and 3 letters to the editor here  #JusticeForLeo