Showing posts with label dispensary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dispensary. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2020

Finally big break in Leo Coleman Jr case ?


Interesting e mail exchange today ! Looks like upper management GM at Sundial collective finally has given the proper message to a Detective Finch at Anderson Police Department fed to me unsolicited at Sundial Collective employee almost 2 months ago ! 

Went from this...

  •  You;
Detective S. Grashoff,

I am forwarding you some emails received from Chris Solberg.  He is cc'd on this email.  We at Sundial Collective have no idea or knowledge of what he is asking for.  We have asked all of our employees if they have any knowledge of telling someone about Leo Coleman and they do not.  We have nothing we can do to further assist Chris Solberg so we have told him to contact you guys with any questions he has about this matter.


Sundial Collective

To this !

Although a little rattled I suppose, he referred to me as "Mr. Coleman."

Why is this information so crucial ?  Quote from Anderson Police Chief ...

“The men and women of APD care about this community and are committed to uncovering the truth, seeking justice, and serving without bias, prejudice, or regard. We will continue to investigate this matter and vet out all information, leads, and suspects before rendering a final disposition.”

Police issue response to demonstrators seeking justice for hanged black man, 23 years ago

I believe this is a big win for the Justice For Leo Coleman Jr Facebook  group and the We Demand Justice For Leo Coleman Jr group !

Re: Leo Coleman Jr Hanging and the Sundial Cannabis Collective Account
You replied on Mon 8/10/2020 2:16 PM
  •  You;
  •  Tyler Finch
Mr. Coleman,

We are not covering anything up. I did just find out who the person is. We are passing her information to detective finch in a private email the Anderson police department will do what the deem necessary with that information. Please direct all correspondence to the Anderson police department from here on out. 


Sundial Collective 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Marijuana Profit Fueled Redding Police to Battle Homeless

No secret here, seems diabolically obvious ... Redding California city government I believe will use new pot dispensary regulations and tax revenue to hire new "Marijuana" code enforcement officers to ride the already broken backs of our continually criminalized homeless population.

You know, the kind of Redding code enforcement officer that haunts the continually police raided homeless camps and homeless street population already, dressed impeccably in leather gloves to protect the fists, and a rather oversized "Flak jacket."   Modern day spiritual Roman Centurion ? A macabre representation of Redding City hall compassion to say the least.

For years the homeless who have tried to take refuge at the Good News Rescue Mission have confided to me they refuse to stay there because the program members run the facility like a " prison yard," And I can personally attest I have seen more drugs at the mission then on the street. Seems like a good representation of Redding Police Chief Roger Moore's description of South City Park at a recent city council meeting.

One day at a recently raided homeless camp, I asked the Redding police community service officer ... " Its just us ... tell me ... knowing what you know. would you, or if you had a family and no other option, stay at the Good News Rescue Mission?

"No" was his response.

So if Redding police community service officer Bob Brannon because of conditions would never stay at the mission, Redding's only night time homeless shelter, why do we expect the homeless population to freely want to do so?

Alas nowhere to go.

Redding's Marijuana recreational high helps homeless to continue to die...