Saturday, December 8, 2018

"Camp Carr" - City of Redding California Camp Fire / Carr Fire Homeless Survival Tent City

Although picture was taken during middle of the day, Camp Carr's population doubles at night

Whether City of Redding or its Police like it or not, due to a timely recent Federal judge court ruling on the treatment of homeless virtually has stopped the "cruel and unusual punishment" of those without shelter, prohibiting RPD from writing tickets criminalizing sleeping or keeping warm by a survival fire.

A tent city is forming in Redding at the Parkview park and trail on the banks of the Sacramento river.

Timely indeed due to so many recently displaced victims of the Shasta County Carr and the Paradise Camp fire of Butte County, near Chico California. 

Out of complete and total necessity Redding's "CampCarr" has formed.

Unfortunately drinking fountains and park benches were removed some time ago in an effort by City of Redding officials to prevent everyday living and life sustaining activities of others less fortunate in the past.

Redding California Survival Camp Carr area looks very well maintained, has porta potties, close to homeless services, and plenty of room for others.

*We ask that for the SAFETY of families, women and children staying there that you consider donating Coleman type battery operated camping lanterns, flashlights and extra batteries.

Please drop your donations off for Camp Carr with Mr Morgan, Just look for the 8 year veterans tent displaying American flag, he will see that they are evenly distributed.


*  12/11/2018 UPDATE - Representative from Good News Rescue Mission states on Radio Station KQMS homeless Camp Fire survivors from Butte County staying at their homeless facility !

*  12/13/2018 UPDATE - Camp Carr homeless survival tent city camps are reported GROWING on BOTH sides of Sacramento river now including Henderson Road. !

*  12/13/2018 UPDATE - Heavy rain predicted for next several days - Tents and sleeping bags desperately needed !

*  12/14/2018 UPDATE - Redding Coalition for the Homeless - Protest Redding City Council Unlawful Camping Ordinance Protest Event !

*  12/14/2018 UPDATE - Hundreds of pounds of donated Dog and Cat food donated to homeless pet owners at Parkview park Camp Carr today !

HUGE Thank You to  FIDO Pet Food Bank  Nancy Martin  Trinity County Food Assistance Program   Petco  Jeffry England  WoW !

*  12/18/2018 UPDATE -Posted April 23, 2011 - 'They have no place': Rousted, relocated, Redding's homeless have few choices

"As the county's only shelter, the mission is scarcely equipped to handle its homeless population, said Community Relations Director Ken White.

"We're feeling extraordinarily overwhelmed by the amount of services needed by people in the community," he said. "If the economy worsens, or even stays as it's been, that could be a very at-risk population as a community I don't feel like we're very prepared to service at this point."

The mission has only about 120 beds, he said, but because staff members try to help everyone they can, up to 70 extra guests at a time often sleep on the chapel floor.

"There's a huge need," he said.

And the mission's 30-day time limit means it's hardly a solution to Redding's homelessness situation, he said.

"The goal is, we want to be an emergency service," he said.

"We're not a long-term shelter."

*  12/19/2018 UPDATE -   2 young homeless girls came in and spoke at the Redding City Council meeting and it was powerfully incredible !

It is expected after Redding City Council meeting last night  Parkview Tent City homeless will be able to stay tentatively until sometime in February !

City of Redding, the local news media,  Redding police Chief Moore ALL publicly LIE TO YOU saying the Good News Rescue Mission has never been at capacity - Tweet from Record Searchlight Reporter Katie Gillespie

Richard Morgan who said he's a veteran and has been homeless for 18 years living in Redding.

If You Are Cited By Redding Police or HAVE YOUR POSSESSIONS / SURVIVAL GEAR TAKEN  Legal Services of Northern California Would Like To Hear From You !

*  12/20/2018 UPDATE -  Not smart for Redding Police officers at Parkview Tent City to scream at a Legal Observer today for Northern California Legal Services to get down to the rivers edge and take pictures of old shoes etc...

*  12/25/2018 UPDATE - Christmas and Christmas eve I saw to the delight of many camping at Parkview Tent City several cars stopping and dropping off gifts of clothes and food and other items to the delight of many staying there. Thank you Redding community and members of Redding Coalition for the Homeless for your Love and Compassion this holiday season !

Parkview Park & Trail Camp Carr Homeless Safe Parking - Have Twitter? Please Re Tweet !

Thursday, December 6, 2018

A humanitarian crisis is occurring in Redding California -- KRCR News Channel 7 refuses story

A humanitarian crisis is occurring in Redding and when KRCR News Channel 7 reporter was told about it and was asked if they were aware of the situation and could they do a December human interest story on this situation the reporter responded, "Oh we are aware of the situation" and "we don't do those kind of stories"

Comforting im sure to the Parkview neighborhood facing the smile place park by the river next to Cypress street bridge.

You see a HUGE homeless tent city has filled that park with tents and make shift structures spilling right down into the river, One of them looks like a shanty house.

The numbers have grown to beyond the closure of South City park, as im sure more Carr fire and Camp fire victims find themselves mixing with a population that has been homeless here for quite sometime,

Why would Jennifer Scarborough and a reporter want to keep that in the dark?

The City of Chico and Butte County got 4.9 million each for declaring a homeless shelter emergency... Its that easy.... Redding and Shasta County could do the same...

But dont count on KRCR News Channel 7 to tell you that... Merry Christmas all.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

City of Redding Police Criminalizes Tribulation, Natural Disasters, and it's Homeless

Dear City of Redding Attorney...

Civil rights attorneys from Washington DC instrumental in the no child left behind legislation are VERY INTERESTED in your online flyer you must have given the OK to produce.

To equate that maintaining homeless civil and constitutional rights (especially homeless veterans) will result in loss of police and fire services is in my opinion an embarrassment to the Redding community in which you serve, and an unwarranted diabolic triangulation of fear created by you and the City of Redding from within. 

The compassionate Idaho court decision on homeless sleeping is rather timely considering we have had 20 or more thousand people displaced by our own Carr Fire here in Shasta County and 50 thousand people displaced by Camp fire an hour and half away from us south  wiping out the entire town of Paradise and surrounding communities in Butte county near Chico California.

Even more so as fire officials declare never before seen intensities of never before seen home destroying devastating wildfires will now be the year round normal.

Going to ticket them for sitting or laying down? sleeping, keeping warm by a fire?

Should a police officer decide who is worthy of these discretionary laws and penalties and who is not? Lady liberty blindfolded ? Penalize one penalize them all? Perhaps your officers dont like the way a homeless man parts his hair? 

Perhaps your officers should stick with the black SS storm troopers uniforms and forget about wearing the judges black robe as well?

I dont believe Redding police officers that refuse to wear body cameras can be trusted with such power, and I believe past events prove me correct.

But troubling is the fact that it appears the city is looking for ways to even further criminalize the homeless population here in Redding California. Current law has a 1000 dollar and or 6 months in jail for the crime of sleeping AND OR keeping warm by a fire. With one homeless Good News Rescue Mission with a 30 day in 30 day out policy serving several counties with NO OTHER NIGHT TIME HOMELESS FACILITIES.  A "Gospel Rescue Mission" that insists on pushing the religious "Rapture Fly Away" doctrine found nowhere in the scriptures.

Cruel and unusual punishment this winter for homeless Carr fire and Camp fire survivors indeed...

Many Christians know what time it is and feel opposite of your belief Redding Police Department that "The federal court decision is frustrating to all of us" ...

"Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

Reality is that court decision is a timely compassionate gift from God to His "least of the brethren."

Why would ANY Christian be in favor of practices and laws that unfairly single out homeless people and criminalize them for everyday living and life-sustaining activities? Homeless advocates, please attend the Redding city council meeting this December as they revisit the no homeless camping / sleeping law.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field;
but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared  So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them  Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”

Monday, November 26, 2018

Shasta County Deputy Blows By Confused Disabled Woman In Wheel Chair Middle Highway 299

Well 4 am drove by Eureka Way 7- 11 and saw a bundled disabled woman in the middle of the road in a wheel chair with semi's and other trucks zooming right by her. When she did try to propel herself she simply went down the middle of the highway, I went in and told the Indian  gal that works there to please call 911 which she did. While we were waiting for RPD to respond a Shasta County Sheriff drove by completely  ignoring the obvious safety hazards to herself and other drivers. I waved at him furiously to no avail....

I would like to know what priority calls dispatchers at ShasCom received at 4 am that superseded a disabled woman in a wheel chair in IMMEDIATE DANGER ?

Blow right by her because she appeared homeless ?

She was seconds away from being a 100 foot splat of wheel chair and body parts down Eureka Way.

I dont get paid 30 to 50 dollars an hour as a law enforcement agent Sheriff Tom Bosenko nor do I carry around the proper safety equipment to deal with mentally disabled people at 4 in the morning in the middle of Eureka Way with a death wish especially in my slippers and sweat pants. And I resent your fackin wet behind the ears probably from Stockton disconnected from the people you supposedly serve deputy officer that blew by me and that poor woman in the middle of highway 299...

Monday, November 12, 2018

Redding Homeless Patient Dumping - To Live And Die In LA

These are not movie props, according to a viral facebook post this homeless man in Los Angeles was found with the festering hole in the side of his head in a back alley STILL ALIVE! He was told by this man that the hospital dumped him.

Tried by callous inhumane economic weights and sentenced to a very ugly public indifference...

Of course he called hospital and an ambulance came and picked him back up. Due to patient rights no update could ever be found about his condition... or if he survived.

Don't think for a minute this has not happened on the streets of Redding or one of its many bush secluded homeless survival areas, where skeletal bones and bodies decaying are not unheard of, at least the cases local news media are allowed to report....

At the Shasta Regional Medical Center the homeless poor especially those with mental issues are often unceremoniously dumped off kicking and screaming at the RABA bus stop bench in front of their facility by a no nonsense hospital security detail, often still in hospital garb with cheap blood pressure cuff still dangling furiously from their arms.

These are the senior citizens you see rotting a slow death at the downtown Redding Post Office. Dying a slow disease infected life until the macabre visual portrait burns a unshakeable cerebral image on all those who pass that demands something be done, compassionate action be taken.

Dumped And Crawled Under Redding Eureka Way Overpass

Friday, October 26, 2018

Handicapped and Homeless Dying on Redding Streets

On my usual morning coffee run, I take the time to do a welfare check around the downtown post office. I am particularly concerned with those homeless souls with medical and mental issues, such as one homeless senior citizen who sleeps in front who has has had multiple strokes.

Another poor handicapped homeless soul I would love for folks to rally behind and help is a handicapped senior citizen in a wheelchair I will call "Jay"

You may have seen "Jay" as he pushes himself around town backwards.

This morning I found "Jay" in a most uncomfortable position sleeping at the post office. Concerned for his welfare I found him sleeping with his pants down.

To give you a little history of what I have been told by "Jay" is at one time he had a motorized wheel chair that was stolen while he was staying at the Good News Rescue Mission, which he vowed never to set foot in again. As I have been monitoring him over the last several years I can see he is fading fast. One of his hands now curled in a stroke like position.

He tells me he falls out of his wheelchair sometimes and people refuse to help him get back in.

Perhaps its the stench of advanced MRSA or Gangrene that can all to often be found eating up the weakest most vulnerable homeless population at this downtown location.

Perhaps it is because this poor languishing soul is incontinent, and during the coldest Redding winters he can be seen on the streets soaking wet, or worse.

Which is how I found him this morning at the downtown Redding Post Office....

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Redding Police Stop Enforcing Camping Ordinance "Cruel and Unusual Punishment"

In todays
10/21/18 Record Searchlight Sunday paper there is an article by in my opinion by Redding business and City bootlicker David Benda. "City stops camping crackdown after ruling"

While Benda paints a picture of city leaders and police patting their asses over the success of "Quality of Life Crimes " NEVER ONCE IN THE ARTICLE DOES Benda quote what the Federal Judges have said Redding Police and Shasta County Courts have been doing to homeless for years.

"Cruel and Unusual punishment"...

Why does it take a Federal judge to tell the City of Redding, Jakey Mangas of the Redding Chamber of Commerce, Good News Rescue Mission, Bethel Church, and all the silent non profits that serve the homeless what has been happening in the city for years?

Criminalizing the homeless, violating their civil and constitutional rights? Including homeless veterans ?

Atta boy Redding Police Chief Moore...

Its a spiritual battle Christian Marine

"Cruel and Unusual punishment"...

When you take their possessions do you hold them for 90 days by law or throw them all away ?

Just who's side are you on friend?

Redding Police accepts Bethel's $25,000 for drones

"Cruel and Unusual punishment"...

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Marijuana Profit Fueled Redding Police to Battle Homeless

No secret here, seems diabolically obvious ... Redding California city government I believe will use new pot dispensary regulations and tax revenue to hire new "Marijuana" code enforcement officers to ride the already broken backs of our continually criminalized homeless population.

You know, the kind of Redding code enforcement officer that haunts the continually police raided homeless camps and homeless street population already, dressed impeccably in leather gloves to protect the fists, and a rather oversized "Flak jacket."   Modern day spiritual Roman Centurion ? A macabre representation of Redding City hall compassion to say the least.

For years the homeless who have tried to take refuge at the Good News Rescue Mission have confided to me they refuse to stay there because the program members run the facility like a " prison yard," And I can personally attest I have seen more drugs at the mission then on the street. Seems like a good representation of Redding Police Chief Roger Moore's description of South City Park at a recent city council meeting.

One day at a recently raided homeless camp, I asked the Redding police community service officer ... " Its just us ... tell me ... knowing what you know. would you, or if you had a family and no other option, stay at the Good News Rescue Mission?

"No" was his response.

So if Redding police community service officer Bob Brannon because of conditions would never stay at the mission, Redding's only night time homeless shelter, why do we expect the homeless population to freely want to do so?

Alas nowhere to go.

Redding's Marijuana recreational high helps homeless to continue to die...

Monday, January 15, 2018

City of Redding Homeless Oppressors Take Over Martin Luther King Celebration

Year after year, a farce of political action takes place at the Redding Martin Luther King Center. A hypocritical fallacy of local political, religious, and non profit leaders trumpeting social action, under the guise of the hopes and aspirations of Martin Luther King Jr's "beloved community"

Unfortunately year after year, a beloved community that never includes Redding and Shasta Counties increasingly oppressed and criminalized homeless population.  Of course I suppose one cannot be as vocal about such a
marginalized community, when one sits in a MLK Center building bought and paid for by the City of Redding some years back. The same city of Redding that fights homelessness by closing public restrooms and shutting off public drinking fountains during scorching summer days

I suppose one cannot still be vocal when the very instruments of Redding homeless oppression are in attendance patting the flesh, shaking hands with those who show themselves subscribing to the ideals of MLK,s beloved community, but stand in stoney silence in the face of those Redding police who tear the very fabric of the "beloved community" dream criminalizing homelessness and making it a crime.

Redding Police Officer Sam Llamas 

Now this certainly on the day was brought up to Action News Now and KRCR TV News reporters on the scene. And one would think that life's reality and circumstances of those affected would make such news observations keenly felt. Does not the ravages of homelessness cross all cultural and racial divides?

KRCR TV News Reporter Sade Browne

One could only imagine today if Martin Luther King Jr was alive and in attendance of such a local Redding gathering what he would say to such a Redding Police officer, or Mayor, whose persecution of those who find themselves in homeless poverty surely would feel the same spiritual verbal lashing rebuke that the stone silent
religious leaders would find themselves under, for being homeless should never be a crime.

Redding Mayor Kristen Schreder

We find ourselves under such conditions ever more grateful to the convictions and courage of Martin Luther King Jr., and even more so to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who's atributes year after year have been absent from Reddings MLK celebrations, as well as those that they consider the least of the brethren as MLK's vision of a beloved community. It appears the Redding Martin Luther King Center is nothing more than a political subdivision of the City of Redding.
