Showing posts with label donating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label donating. Show all posts

Saturday, December 8, 2018

"Camp Carr" - City of Redding California Camp Fire / Carr Fire Homeless Survival Tent City

Although picture was taken during middle of the day, Camp Carr's population doubles at night

Whether City of Redding or its Police like it or not, due to a timely recent Federal judge court ruling on the treatment of homeless virtually has stopped the "cruel and unusual punishment" of those without shelter, prohibiting RPD from writing tickets criminalizing sleeping or keeping warm by a survival fire.

A tent city is forming in Redding at the Parkview park and trail on the banks of the Sacramento river.

Timely indeed due to so many recently displaced victims of the Shasta County Carr and the Paradise Camp fire of Butte County, near Chico California. 

Out of complete and total necessity Redding's "CampCarr" has formed.

Unfortunately drinking fountains and park benches were removed some time ago in an effort by City of Redding officials to prevent everyday living and life sustaining activities of others less fortunate in the past.

Redding California Survival Camp Carr area looks very well maintained, has porta potties, close to homeless services, and plenty of room for others.

*We ask that for the SAFETY of families, women and children staying there that you consider donating Coleman type battery operated camping lanterns, flashlights and extra batteries.

Please drop your donations off for Camp Carr with Mr Morgan, Just look for the 8 year veterans tent displaying American flag, he will see that they are evenly distributed.


*  12/11/2018 UPDATE - Representative from Good News Rescue Mission states on Radio Station KQMS homeless Camp Fire survivors from Butte County staying at their homeless facility !

*  12/13/2018 UPDATE - Camp Carr homeless survival tent city camps are reported GROWING on BOTH sides of Sacramento river now including Henderson Road. !

*  12/13/2018 UPDATE - Heavy rain predicted for next several days - Tents and sleeping bags desperately needed !

*  12/14/2018 UPDATE - Redding Coalition for the Homeless - Protest Redding City Council Unlawful Camping Ordinance Protest Event !

*  12/14/2018 UPDATE - Hundreds of pounds of donated Dog and Cat food donated to homeless pet owners at Parkview park Camp Carr today !

HUGE Thank You to  FIDO Pet Food Bank  Nancy Martin  Trinity County Food Assistance Program   Petco  Jeffry England  WoW !

*  12/18/2018 UPDATE -Posted April 23, 2011 - 'They have no place': Rousted, relocated, Redding's homeless have few choices

"As the county's only shelter, the mission is scarcely equipped to handle its homeless population, said Community Relations Director Ken White.

"We're feeling extraordinarily overwhelmed by the amount of services needed by people in the community," he said. "If the economy worsens, or even stays as it's been, that could be a very at-risk population as a community I don't feel like we're very prepared to service at this point."

The mission has only about 120 beds, he said, but because staff members try to help everyone they can, up to 70 extra guests at a time often sleep on the chapel floor.

"There's a huge need," he said.

And the mission's 30-day time limit means it's hardly a solution to Redding's homelessness situation, he said.

"The goal is, we want to be an emergency service," he said.

"We're not a long-term shelter."

*  12/19/2018 UPDATE -   2 young homeless girls came in and spoke at the Redding City Council meeting and it was powerfully incredible !

It is expected after Redding City Council meeting last night  Parkview Tent City homeless will be able to stay tentatively until sometime in February !

City of Redding, the local news media,  Redding police Chief Moore ALL publicly LIE TO YOU saying the Good News Rescue Mission has never been at capacity - Tweet from Record Searchlight Reporter Katie Gillespie

Richard Morgan who said he's a veteran and has been homeless for 18 years living in Redding.

If You Are Cited By Redding Police or HAVE YOUR POSSESSIONS / SURVIVAL GEAR TAKEN  Legal Services of Northern California Would Like To Hear From You !

*  12/20/2018 UPDATE -  Not smart for Redding Police officers at Parkview Tent City to scream at a Legal Observer today for Northern California Legal Services to get down to the rivers edge and take pictures of old shoes etc...

*  12/25/2018 UPDATE - Christmas and Christmas eve I saw to the delight of many camping at Parkview Tent City several cars stopping and dropping off gifts of clothes and food and other items to the delight of many staying there. Thank you Redding community and members of Redding Coalition for the Homeless for your Love and Compassion this holiday season !

Parkview Park & Trail Camp Carr Homeless Safe Parking - Have Twitter? Please Re Tweet !