Saturday, September 14, 2024

Redding Good News Rescue Mission Kicks Blind Homeless Girl Out Into Streets


I have never seen in 20 years of being a homeless advocate a blind homeless person before,
walking alone with the severely mentally ill, pervert and rapist filled streets of Redding California.


This poor gal is walking with a red and white cane legally blind; I saw her walk into the wall of Tortilla Flats etc.... 

Later I saw her almost break her ankle trying to step off the curb.

She does manage to make it to the mission sometimes for food, but apparently lives outside. 

Her name is Angel

Good News Rescue Mission paid staff member said they kicked her out of mission and lots of other homeless people and he can't figure out why, only allowing her to go there to eat

When called a staff member at Mission they said “We have to draw the line somewhere”

Apparently, that line includes blind homeless girls

Her name is Angel 


Anonymous said...

the Good News Rescue Mission has in the past been nothing but what i consider the most upstanding outfit in this very difficult situation for unfortunate people. I cant believe this actually happened as stated.. i cant believe they didnt go the EXTRA mile to try and help this person. Surely with this persons handicap there is some other answer out there.. I cant seem to find enough facts to form an opinion one way or the other except to say..lets have more information. towing the line isnt enough in this case.

Redding Homeless said...

Certainly, if they are a Christian organization, you should be able to simply call them up and ask them about it