Friday, September 8, 2017

Sweep Trash Not People Redding


This blog entry is a call to action , a call for compassionate revolution really...

Its time for the city of Redding to take a new approach to those folks homeless and living outdoors. One that strikes a balance between protecting the constitutional and civil rights of the homeless and legitimate public health and safety concerns.

Shutting off public bathrooms and water fountains is not only unacceptably cruel it degrades and reduces the humanity of those affected, those that implement the actions, and the Redding community as a whole.

Stopping churches from physically and spiritually feeding and ministering to homeless in parks is simply another way the city of Redding has grasped hatred as a weapon against the poor and homeless.

Its time for all good people to let their voice be heard, a call to action to those who realize hate can never win, that love is and always will be the answer.

That demonizing a group of people for what ever reason find themselves homeless and treated like trash that can be swept up and thrown away during continuous so called quality of life police homeless camp sweeps damages the homeless, and never answers the question,

Where can they go?

Would you be interested in giving your time and energy to such a revolution?

The Sweep Trash Not People Redding  Facebook page is for those interested in advocating for a new approach to homelessness in Redding and Shasta County.

It wont be easy...

We need your talents, time and energy to fight such hatred that has permeated the entire community against the homeless. We must come together, for we have been silent for far to long and find the answer to what will it take City of Redding To Rip The Heart From Your Hate....?

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Redding Homeless Blog - Henry

"And by His stripes we are healed."

Some time ago attempting to  pull out from the parking lot of a Cypress street McDonalds, I was detained by a rather curious looking hunched over older gentleman pushing a shopping cart.

Visually using Redding's growing negative stereotypical eye one would find this man utterly and completely beyond hope to the extreme, and at first glance I admit I would have to join you.

Noticeable first about his old tan weather beaten face was the look of humility. Then looking up, smiling and for a lack of better words his eyes gave of a brief, intense flash of light....

We engaged in brief pleasantries and although it became apparent the age old drink that has driven many to the streets obviously played a role here the few coins offered to this man spiritually would be payed back immensely. In fact I looked for him several times after that encounter to no avail, until across town attending a seminar I found him again, or should I say he found me.

He told me the story of how he went through town , knocking on back doors of church offices asking for help... Only to be told the police are coming. Was this a test for Church bodies that dwell in the heart of downtown Redding ?

Now the church I speak is the Seventh Day Adventist on Eureka way and although I don't agree with their doctrine Henry had been knocking on Church doors from McDonalds on Cypress all through town and this was the last one left. I certainly was overwhelmed with their love for this man I had now come to know as Henry.

Perhaps they saw the twinkle flash of  light in his eye as well...

For two days they let this poor homeless man stay on their church porch until a family there took him in for personal hygiene and fresh new clothes.

Then Henry was taken to the Good News Rescue Mission and for the first time I knew of the Director waived the 30 day in 30 day out rule for Henry.

Perhaps he saw the twinkle flash of  light in his eye as well...

The men in the program at the time went above and beyond what they were required to do helping with Henry's bathing and grooming needs, even trimming toe nails better left undescribed.

Well with the Grace of God Henry quit drinking ! He even had his own ministry putting Bible tracts around town! Many at the mission half jokingly would say Henry was an angel.

Perhaps homeless saw the twinkle flash of light in his eye as well...

Henry loved his soda pop and never wanted for funds. He could simply stand in front of the mission and a Corvette would pull over giving him a 100 dollar bill ! Mind you, he never had a sign, and it got so bad they would not let Henry stand out in front any longer....

There is hope for what looks stunningly irretrievable. Our Father through Jesus Christ let me watch His healing compassionate hand over this man step by step, and it to this day humbles me to the core.

We truly walk by faith and not by sight....   nobody is beyond help.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Vigilante groups invade Redding California homeless

"Guardian Standoff " - a News

of vigilante:  "A member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate); broadly : a self-appointed doer of justice."

Sad really as these groups and local media have been creating for years a dynamic that have folks hating the people who are being oppressed in our community and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

Just who are the groups that have taken on the definition of vigilantism as a mission statement here in Redding? Has ex police chief Robert Paoletti opened the door for a multitude of violations of civil and constitutional rights of the most poor and vulnerable of our community ?

Redding Guardian Angles

If  the City of Redding, its police, and its chief cannot handle and lack the training to effectively and safely deal with those with mental issues and have subjected Redding to legal trouble as this  Sacramento Bee News article states:
"Lawsuit: Redding police beat, suffocated mentally ill Chico man" what measures and background checks as well as training are given to these groups ?

Will untrained, unskilled members of the Redding Guardian Angels subject the city to liabilities of civil and constitutional right violation lawsuits in the future?

Disturbing photo : Redding California Guardian Angels

Take Back Redding / Shasta Support Services

Is it fair to have Shasta Support Services 
go out into the deep brush of our community to do the local "point in time" census on local homeless and their locations only to turn them in to law enforcement at a later date ? The more homeless that are reported the more funds to combat homelessness are available...

Would a recall of 2 city council members by these groups really cost tax payers of the city of Redding 200, 000 dollars as reported in local media? Even though it is so close to the end of their terms ?

These groups I believe LOVE to hide behind good deeds such as "Invasive Species Eradication" of non native plant life to destroy known homeless camp locations or "Community Clean Up" days to also destroy known homeless camp locations and confiscate necessary living and life sustaining food and sleeping gear as well as the last of their worldly possessions.

Dale Ball - Take Back Redding /Shasta Support Services

The Redding Area Transient Patrol group or R.A.T. Patrol

From the local news article we have shocking 
"Controversial Facebook page targets homeless" group that claims to shine light on the homeless situation in Redding. However, homeless advocates are concerned the group is promoting violence against the homeless. Posts on the group refer to "eradicating" the homeless population, using what advocates call "violent and inhumane" acts.

"Some members have suggested filling up squirt guns with urine and spraying them while they sleep, or putting bear traps in dumpsters," Lee said. "I haven't personally done that, but if people are doing that, good for them."

Violence reported against Redding homeless

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Support Redding City Council Kristen Schreder - Say NO to Take Back Redding Recall Efforts !

Why would a group called Take Back Redding or what seems like the same group Shasta Support Services want to recall a Redding City Councilperson who has went far and above any of her colleagues on the council ever have past or present?  Kristen Schreder , Redding city council should be commended not recalled for her POSITIVE SOLUTIONS TO THE HOMELESS POPULATION OF OUR COMMUNITY.

"Recall targets two Redding City Council members"

"Take Back Redding member Dale Ball announces the recall of Redding City Council members Francie Sullivan and Kristen Schreder." -  Sean Longoria, Redding Record Searchlight

Solutions that certainly respect the civil and constitutional rights of the homeless which guard against civil liabilities that leave municipalities penniless. Her desire for Shasta County to join in the conversation of solutions is spot on. And certainly her desires expand to much more than a one tool box fix ( RPD Criminalization) which many cities have come to discover NEVER WORKS!, and is unfair to Redding Police Dept members. It has been said " That if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem", and I think it is becoming quite clear that individuals and groups demonize, ostracize, and attempt to recall those who come with honest, positive intentions. If you attack plans to build a homeless day center, or a village of tiny homes, or a homeless tent camp then you are indeed part of the problem.... Who does the vetting of Take Back Redding / Shasta Support Services members ? Why would they be allowed to establish relationships and trust to go into and discover homeless camp areas to do the Point in time homeless survey here then later Shasta Support Services members are quoted in local news media saying "they call law enforcement if they come across any homeless activity."?

"Shasta Support Service co-founder Dale Ball (center) consults with volunteers near the end of the work day. He and his neighbor, Michael Roberts, joined in Redding-area cleanups more than a year ago before forming their own community service group, Shasta Support Service." - Richard DuPertuis, a

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Is it dangerous camping at California's Whiskeytown Lake Oak Bottom Campground ?

I just got back from a meeting with the supervisor of Oak Bottom Campground and Marina at Whiskeytown lake in California who I perceived as threatening me with physical violence for telling you folks about what goes on at Oak Bottom campground when I was a security guard there. "Nobody is coming to the campground or lake because of my internet bad mouthing".he says.

I call it the truth or better yet a testimony.

Im thinking its the head and other body parts free floating in the Whiskeytown lake but what do I know. Needless to say he has bought himself an internet recap of my experiences there because I believe there are serious safety issues.

“Despite the exhaustive efforts made to locate both of Bridget Jacobs’ hands and head, they remain unrecovered,” Edwards said in a written statement.

1 There is allegedly  a Memorandum of Understanding with Oak Bottom Campground and Marina concessionaires that Whiskeytown Law Enforcement Park Rangers respond after hours to the campground when security calls and needs help. On three separate occasions when I called National Park Service dispatchers in SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK, ( Whiskeytown has no night dispatchers? ) needing help for guests of the campground, they called me back saying they went down list and none of the Rangers would wake up, get out of bed and answer the phone in my opinion causing a serious delay in response time. After one incident like this a Whiskeytown Park Ranger apologized saying they all didn't answer their phone because they had a planned Marijuana raid early that next morning and needed their rest !!! Shasta County Sheriff or Highway patrol would have to respond. The area by the way should be absorbed by the Sheriffs dept for law enforcement purposes. I think it is due to piss poor management at Oak Bottom that these park "Rangers" legally cannot be set straight . Just my opinion.

2 The campground according to another supervisor of Oak Bottom has said they have had shootings and stabbings occur IN THE PAST THAT YOU NEVER SEEM TO SEE OR HEAR OF IN THE MEDIA. A sheriff who responded to a call late one night told me he moonlights as a security officer at campgrounds at Shasta Lake and said they "NEVER ' have this many problems and that he as well as another park ranger said they would not want my job for nothing. I must ask myself is this because of years of piss poor management?

3 Although I complained over and over the lights where you park your boats, cars, and expensive camping gear are solar powered with inferior batteries that all go out about 130 to 2 in the morning leaving those objects I have described in PITCH BLACKNESS. The campground, parking lots, marina, boat and RV parking all have this problem. I must ask myself again is this because of years of piss poor management?

4 Upset, Chief Law Enforcement officer for Whiskeytown at the time Chris Mengel, gave me his card, upset at situation and that I should call him........Nothing

One man with nothing more than a flashlight from 6 pm till 230 am is what is between YOU camping and some of the most absolute scariest freaks camping out at Oak Bottom known to man....... A SERIOUS SAFETY ISSUE !!

I think if I was camping at Oak Bottom campground I would NOT FEEL SAFE unless the Security Guard was packing a gun for guests immediate protection.... Change desperately needs to occur. Huge safety issues and what I think are years of piss poor management concerned with nothing more than the dollar bottom line. I think that you enter and stay at Oak Bottom campground you camp at your own risk !!! Just My Opinion.