Saturday, December 9, 2023

Please Help Suffering Homeless Under Redding California Cypress St Bridge


Many folks sadly will not be home for Christmas...

Shasta Counties Redding homeless are taking refuge yet again seeking shelter under Redding Cypress St Bridge this holiday season.

They need your help...

Please consider donations of tents, sleeping bags, and blankets.

Jackets, socks, gloves, flashlights, batteries, lanterns for safety. 

And of course hot drinks / food would be greatly appreciated!

Know your Christian and Constitutional rights!


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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Kevin Crye - No Constitutional Rights for Homeless - Run Them Out Of Town?


Kevin Crye I believe wants to create groups of vigilante business owners to violate the rights of homeless persons and kick them out on sight like Cottonwood militia members and business owners already do. I have witnessed it personally.

They see somebody homeless sitting in their little park, or church lawns, even just walking down the street, make a call to the "list", and run these folks out of town on sight.

All the while covering their fat bodies with Red White and Blue flag shirts.
Looks to me like a group of Veterans need to dress up as homeless with body cams, sit in their park, and sue Shasta County for violating the homeless civil and constitutional rights.
Photo - anewscafe
Kevin Crye, so called "Christian" homeless advocate, wants this Cottonwood and Palo Cedro model expanded all over Redding and Shasta County.
Well "Christian" Crye , will this bless the community in Gods eyes? Is this the Will of Jesus Christ?
When did we see you hungry or thirsty and not run your ass out of town Jesus Christ?

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

Talk about opening City and County to major legal action! Watch his plans here...

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Monday, August 14, 2023

Redding California Homeless Woman in Trouble Staff at City Hall Refused to Call 911- Police Drive By


"Blood on shirt, right eye seems swollen, feet burnt severely, she limps and hobbled away"

"Help me Help me"......!

What if this was your Wife, Mother, Daughter?

Went to report this at Redding City Hall because I do not have a cell phone. STAFF AT CITY HALL REFUSED TO CALL 911 FOR ME! Redding Police girl drove right on past me looking straight at me when frantically trying to make her stop for this poor soul. She drove right on into the station behind a closed gate.

Seemingly to be sure just not wanting to deal with it.

* I filled out a formal complaint against the Redding Police officer at Redding City Hall marked Attn Police Chief and have yet to hear back from them. 

** 8/16/2023 Update - I have been contacted by an investigator with Redding Police I assume from Professional Standards Unit.

Went inside City Hall and explained situation to coffee kiosk girl and could she please call for a medical. emergency, that I have no cell phone. She said "no" and sent me down hall to were she said police were located.

Just an employee's door with no one available.

Then went outside and asked a woman if she was an employee. She said yes and I explained I have no cell phone and there was a medical emergency down the block. I ask are you going to call? Silence... So I had to go to yet another City of Redding employee and explain the situation yet another time. 

Finally....finally Redding police responded including the Redding Police girl in this picture that drove right on past me looking straight at me when frantically trying to make her stop for this poor soul who, just minutes ago was jacking up a homeless person with a cart next to Hill Country Medical on Gold St.

It was 111 degrees yesterday; this woman is barefoot.
It appears woman having trouble screaming in middle of Parkview Ave has hospital wrist bands on. Hospital patient dumping again?

Please Share this Post Far and Wide!

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Is Hill Country Mobile Crisis Outreach Team Political Subdivision of the City of Redding?


I believe Redding Hill Country Mobile Crisis Outreach Team service is being run under a contract to provide services with the Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, as well as the City of Redding.

As local KRCR TV News likes to paint a rosy picture of so many homeless being helped and taken off the streets, Are you out challenging those misconceptions?

How can you be critical of their policies and procedures?

And under contract with the City of Redding to provide homeless services as well, how can you then defend homeless from the civil and constitutional violations? 

What about cases of illegal patient dumping by hospitals?

Can you as an organization paint a true picture of the state of the homeless and the suffering they endure year after year?

Hardly not.

No, now sadly I believe you are now, like the Good News Rescue Mission, a political subdivision of the City of Redding.

You chatting up local news media how homeless sweeps of huge homeless camps in Mercy and Masonic canyon effect downtown Redding?

Incontinent homeless senior citizens, nowhere to go, urinating or defecating themselves on wheelchairs and inside tents in 113 degree heat?

Happens more than I care to say.

Of course we know this increases mental health challenges with homeless souls.

In just one early morning I find all these homeless laying all around your Hill Country building on Gold St..


If you cannot even take care of your own house Hill Country, how to you expect people to believe you can spiritually care for someone else's?

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Friday, July 28, 2023

Is Shasta Regional Medical Center Illegally Dumping Patients Out Into Redding Streets?


“And the king shall answer, and say to them, 'Truly I say to 
youinasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these, My brothers, you have done it to Me 

Pulling up to Corbett's restaurant parking lot for breakfast I see what looks like a vision of some macabre drive-in movie out of my front window some 15 feet away.

A suffering soul who, when I finished my breakfast, was still there.

As I drove away, a "nagging urge" kept telling me this man needed help and looked like an obvious case of hospital patient dumping.

Hospital name tag wrist band, hospital socks, band aid from blood drawn, hospital pants pulled down, ankle bandage with date and writing, etc...

Little did I know until he opened his sweatshirt...To my horror...

To contain your horrors, I will not show his emaciated eyes and face. 

And since I do not own a cell phone I had to go to my residence to report this to an agency I thought would matter.

Whoever answered the Hill Country Crisis line, ( A service being run under a contract with the Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency) would not identify themselves as such.

I asked  is this Hill Country Crisis line? 

No answer...

Several times I asked are you the green van who goes around to help homeless folks with issues?

No answer...

Then the guy says my name, (which I have a blocked number), and asked if I talked to him.

I said are you coming or not?

No answer...

This now seems to make sense as to who answered the phone ...From a Record Searchlight article. "Also on board is a peer specialist — someone who has overcome a mental health challenge themselves and been trained to help others who are now in a crisis situation."

All this recorded to be sure.

So I drive back down to his location to talk to him, and document, expecting no one to respond.

There was a little red Hill Country Clinic car with two individuals, one a very rude woman.

The woman from Hill Country "outreach" was furious that I was taking pictures and several times she said to me "You know , everybody hates you."

My pictures went to Adult Protective Services, and all Shasta County Supervisors including Kevin Crye, which I believe this crime happened in the district he represents.

I find that kind of "seed planting" demonic designed to create worry and fear in a weak person, and wonder if she uses it on patients during her emergency street visits on homeless crisis calls.

This is where I find his shirt wide open...To my horror...

Is anybody interested in going over to Corbett's restaurant on Pine St in Downtown Redding and asking how many of the hospitals homeless they see dumped sleeping in and around their property?

"Happens all the time."

I cannot in in good conscience let this man die, who could barely talk let alone get out of that parking lot and wheel 20 feet to the shade in 100 degrees plus approaching afternoon, defecating and urinating himself on the sidewalk of downtown Redding Pine St. 

Is there nowhere this man can lay his head down in a pillow these last minutes of his life?

Is a human being not worthy in this pitiful condition to die out of the deadly heat and sun, with a roof over his head and air-conditioned comfort?

Is there a place where man can have a source of cool liquids to drink to ease his torment? Ice chips if conditions necessary?

Is there not a place where a homeless soul can pass from this life to the next with dignity and grace?

If you witness events such as these, please contact Shasta County Adult Protective Services Hotline at 530-225-5798 

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