Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Redding Homeless Suffering Horribly This Holiday Season


PLEASE HELP! This Christmas, more than ever, are homeless suffering from freezing cold and raids from Redding California Police. Moved from place to place, THEY NEED YOUR HELP! Share this Blog post EVERYWHERE!


Under Cypress Street Bridge on the west side is a large homeless camp. It is one of the few places left for homeless to take refuge from the rain and wind and it is growing daily!

PLEASE consider a drop off donation of tarps, tents, blankets and sleeping bags if you can. Jackets, gloves and warm socks as well. For safety flashlights, batteries, lanterns. And of course, hot drinks and food would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure.

Here is an interview link of this camp KRCR News Channel 7 produced.

It is also my hope Bethel Church and School, as well as any other Shasta County Christian organizations or others get involved as well.

What will Redding City Council heavy with Bethel Church members and supposed Christians do? Have you seen all the homeless suffering under the Cypress Street Bridge?  The City of Redding has allowed them to sleep and stay there For months.

Will City of Redding City Council continue to let them take shelter from the cold and rain there? Or will we now see what the true intentions of Bethel Church, School, And Ministry really are.

They are now as Redding City Council members, representing Jesus Christ in the Community, and MANY MANY Non-Believers are Watching as to just Exactly WHO do you Follow? Will you continue to send out Bethel Church students to destroy known homeless camp survival areas?

Whose Spirit Do You Really Follow?

"Ye Have Done It unto Me"

Please help by sharing this blog post with folks who have a heart to show love to the less fortunate of our community this holiday season here...!

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Homeless In Redding Shasta County California?

Feel your rights violated by police? Had possessions taken? ticketed? Turned away from Good News Rescue Mission? 

CONTACT National Homelessness Law Center TODAY!

Submit a complaint - American Civil Liberties Union

Want to help?  Share this Blog post EVERYWHERE!

Want to help?  Share this Blog post EVERYWHERE! 


Anonymous said...

I remember when because of lots of cheap rentals, there were virtually no homeless people in Redding, during the time I lived there, from the 70's to the early 1980's. However,by the 1980 - 81 timeline, Los Angeles had a massive overnight homeless crisis unfolding,due to a sudden increase in both rent prices,along with many,many families with lots of kids, yet apartments weren't being built to keep up with all these people coming in. Al of a sudden,here we're people sleeping in parks, doorways, on benches, inside buses and trains. All very new. Ronald Reagan cut HUD budgets by 80% in 1984, but few knew this then. Housing was privatized and sold off. Lots of housing stock was destroyed,all over the country. And never replaced, either ! So, it's not just a drug or alcohol problem. There's always been booze or drugs,but this permanent housing shortage, is a new thing,40+ years old. Normal countries don't have large amounts of homeless people all the time😄

Anonymous said...

City councils are skilled at not allowing subsidized housing complexes,as in for elderly, disabled, veteran, oriented affordable housing. They won't permit buildings on available land, or complexes to be bought,if they think it's for moderate to low income housing. It's illegal, but they hope you won't find out, and it's illegal not to accept Sec. 8 vouchers,since 2020, in California. Get educated, homeless citizens,and organize. Your/ our fates as renters and future homeowners are being decided behind closed doors,by people we never even see !! Very un- American