Sunday, February 26, 2023

Restart Shasta County Supervisors Protest


The local headlines say it all, "Gun-Selling Supervisor’s 2nd Amendment Resolution Polarizes Citizens."

Please join us HERE for the Restart Shasta County Supervisors Protest! 

TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2023 AT 8:30 AM  1450 COURT ST. Please use hashtag #ShastaPillowFight

BRING Bullhorns, Banners, Signs, And Say NO To Patrick Jones and the Gun Industry!

We need Flyers and Press releases!

Say NO TO ANY Resolution pertaining to guns, 2nd amendment, AND DEMAND PRIORITIES BE CHANGED!

When I see homeless souls sleeping on a bed of snow on Pine St downtown Redding I see what's worth fighting for in God O Mightys Eyes.  

Go up to the podium at Shasta County Supervisors meetings and talk about the Bible, God given 2nd amendment rights, and pray... it will do you no good.


If your priorities in this stage of your lives is to fight for your right to have and possess a cold inanimate object (gun) that you already have as opposed to care and support hurting and suffering individuals is shocking and sickening. 

I believe church's shut down because of Covid you had no Holy Spirt filled pastors to guide You must filter through Gods eyes what is worth fighting for, like this woman freezing to death on Pine Street in cover photo.



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Friday, February 3, 2023

If You Can't Trust A Redding City Councilman / Shasta County Supervisor Who Can You Trust?


Hard to listen and watch our current Redding Police Chief make up excuses why it took City of Redding police so long to wear body cameras, especially after brutal beating caught on film.

Personally, some years ago, from his mouth to my ears, please ask ex Redding City Councilman Now Shasta County Supervisor Patrick Henry Jones time when Red Bluff police chief was ousted by a vote of no confidence and City of Redding police union said they would do the same to ex police chief Paoletti if he forced them to wear body cams.

Apparently according to Mr Jones, Redding Police beat the shit out of a relative of Redding city council woman Missy McArthur, who after that, was leading the charge for Paoletti to have his department wear body cams at the time.

Perhaps he can tell you about the time several fellows were in a hangar at Benton Airpark when one of them, an RPD Officer said “If I could get away with killing Patrick Jones I would do it”

One of the other fellows hearing this reported it to the FBI, who then told Mr Jones about the very real threat by local law enforcement being investigated…

Ask him about ex "Redding Police Officer Steve Morehouse putting a gun in a woman’s mouth during one of those national night out neighborhood crime get togethers…. Officer terminated; woman paid off nicely by city.


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