Sadly today, it seems none of God's Grace is available at Trinity Lutheran Church, especially that is if you are homeless.
For years now the Pastor and elders have decided to disregard the judgement of God as far as the "least of the brethren" are concerned.
Unfortunately, the priest at Trinity Lutheran cannot even teach or preach on the subject, instead going off on tangents unable to understand what Jesus said "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Our Lord and Savior did not say hire North State Security and ramrod the "least of these my brethren" off my church property.
I have witnessed elders pushing homeless folks who wander in with one hand, arm extended, the other reaching under shirt for gun.
Just because he took a church pamphlet...
Of course spiritual warning flags have been flying as this priest firmly believes and teaches the Infant Damnation Doctrine as if God O Mighty Himself wrote it...
"Infant damnation is an extra-Biblical doctrine introduced to the Catholic Church around 380 ad in response to and in defense of Augustine's doctrine of Original Sin. ... The only means of escape was for an infant to be baptized into the Church which was believed to regenerate them, washing away Original Sin."
This priest was teaching this in Bible study, with his hand on a woman almost in tears, because she had had an ectopic pregnancy that he did not know about, and kept repeating she did not believe him...
That these baby's go to Hell.
He kept his hand on her and kept right on ranting... Spiritual flies were buzzing around his head...
He taught on Jesus turning water into wine as a story on judgement which is preposterous.
But what troubles me most is how he related a story how he was in Africa attempting to exorcise a demon possessed individual when afterwards his son said his priest father cursed and ranted and used words so evil his son refuses to repeat them.
Even to this day...
I don't believe by any means this is typical of a deliverance attempt, and I personally have spiritual fears for those attending Trinity Lutheran Church under its current leadership.