Well 4 am drove by Eureka Way 7- 11 and saw a bundled disabled woman in the middle of the road in a wheel chair with semi's and other trucks zooming right by her. When she did try to propel herself she simply went down the middle of the highway, I went in and told the Indian gal that works there to please call 911 which she did. While we were waiting for RPD to respond a Shasta County Sheriff drove by completely ignoring the obvious safety hazards to herself and other drivers. I waved at him furiously to no avail....
I would like to know what priority calls dispatchers at ShasCom received at 4 am that superseded a disabled woman in a wheel chair in IMMEDIATE DANGER ?
Blow right by her because she appeared homeless ?
She was seconds away from being a 100 foot splat of wheel chair and body parts down Eureka Way.
I dont get paid 30 to 50 dollars an hour as a law enforcement agent Sheriff Tom Bosenko nor do I carry around the proper safety equipment to deal with mentally disabled people at 4 in the morning in the middle of Eureka Way with a death wish especially in my slippers and sweat pants. And I resent your fackin wet behind the ears probably from Stockton disconnected from the people you supposedly serve deputy officer that blew by me and that poor woman in the middle of highway 299...