Monday, November 26, 2018

Shasta County Deputy Blows By Confused Disabled Woman In Wheel Chair Middle Highway 299

Well 4 am drove by Eureka Way 7- 11 and saw a bundled disabled woman in the middle of the road in a wheel chair with semi's and other trucks zooming right by her. When she did try to propel herself she simply went down the middle of the highway, I went in and told the Indian  gal that works there to please call 911 which she did. While we were waiting for RPD to respond a Shasta County Sheriff drove by completely  ignoring the obvious safety hazards to herself and other drivers. I waved at him furiously to no avail....

I would like to know what priority calls dispatchers at ShasCom received at 4 am that superseded a disabled woman in a wheel chair in IMMEDIATE DANGER ?

Blow right by her because she appeared homeless ?

She was seconds away from being a 100 foot splat of wheel chair and body parts down Eureka Way.

I dont get paid 30 to 50 dollars an hour as a law enforcement agent Sheriff Tom Bosenko nor do I carry around the proper safety equipment to deal with mentally disabled people at 4 in the morning in the middle of Eureka Way with a death wish especially in my slippers and sweat pants. And I resent your fackin wet behind the ears probably from Stockton disconnected from the people you supposedly serve deputy officer that blew by me and that poor woman in the middle of highway 299...

Monday, November 12, 2018

Redding Homeless Patient Dumping - To Live And Die In LA

These are not movie props, according to a viral facebook post this homeless man in Los Angeles was found with the festering hole in the side of his head in a back alley STILL ALIVE! He was told by this man that the hospital dumped him.

Tried by callous inhumane economic weights and sentenced to a very ugly public indifference...

Of course he called hospital and an ambulance came and picked him back up. Due to patient rights no update could ever be found about his condition... or if he survived.

Don't think for a minute this has not happened on the streets of Redding or one of its many bush secluded homeless survival areas, where skeletal bones and bodies decaying are not unheard of, at least the cases local news media are allowed to report....

At the Shasta Regional Medical Center the homeless poor especially those with mental issues are often unceremoniously dumped off kicking and screaming at the RABA bus stop bench in front of their facility by a no nonsense hospital security detail, often still in hospital garb with cheap blood pressure cuff still dangling furiously from their arms.

These are the senior citizens you see rotting a slow death at the downtown Redding Post Office. Dying a slow disease infected life until the macabre visual portrait burns a unshakeable cerebral image on all those who pass that demands something be done, compassionate action be taken.

Dumped And Crawled Under Redding Eureka Way Overpass